Chapter 4

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When we get home after dropping off Ashley it is 3:57. I go upstairs and lie down on my bed.  Thankfully tomorrow is Sunday so I can sleep in. I get out my book and start reading, but the feeling distracts me and I find myself not comprehending what I'm reading. My mind wanders again to the meaning of the electric feeling. Is it a symptom of a sickness. Maybe I should stay home from school until I feel well again. With these thoughts and more on my mind I feel the book fall from my hand before falling asleep.


My mom wakes me up two hours later for dinner. "Sasha, come down and eat." I open my eyes so she knows I am awake and goes back downstairs. After a few minutes, I follow. Mom, Dad, and Sam are sitting at the table eating dinner. I sit down with them and they ask me about Sunstruck and riding him but mostly I tune out what everyone is saying. I quickly finish eating and run back upstairs and play on my IPod and read to distract myself until it's time to shower and go to bed. When it's 11:30 I go to bed and quickly fall asleep.


My sleep is filled of stressful dreams of electricity. Sunstruck and Ashley are killed by the electric feeling taking over everything. I can't wake myself up.

Suddenly the feeling inside seems to grow stronger and stronger. The pain seems to transform somehow. My eyes fly open and I wake up. Something seems different, so strange. I feel, a lot... Bigger. I look down to see my legs. I panic and fall off the bed. No no no this can't be happening. I stand up on all four legs and look in my mirror. I am a horse. A horse the color of my hair, brown-so dark brown I look black. I stare at myself for what seems like hours. The difference of being a horse is so unfamiliar to me.

I try to say, "Please let this be a dream," but it comes out as a really quiet horse neigh. I turn around to see the clock and it says 3:33. I have two choices. 1:Show Mom and Dad. 2:Run away-forever until I am me again. I try to walk downstairs as quietly as I can but as a horse it is very hard. VERY. I end up tripping on the third step and tumble down the stairs. So much for being quiet.

I hear someone run into the kitchen which is where the bottom of the stairs comes to. It turns out to be Mom and I stand there staring at her frightened for my life. I am a defenseless horse trapped in a house without the ability to communicate with humans. "What the-" Dad comes in and stands there shocked. I am trying to talk to them but it comes out as a bunch of neighing. Dad finally says, "You stay there I will go get a rope." Unfortunately my only option is to stand there. 

He comes back and ties the rope so that it looks like a lasso and he slowly walks toward me. Placing the rope over my neck, he then tries to lead me out of the house. "Sarah go upstairs and get Sasha." I want so badly to tell them that Sasha is me. ME!

My mother runs upstairs and I can hear her moving stuff around looking for me. She comes back, "Sasha is missing," she says. Of course she does not see that my coat color is the same as my hair and that my eyes are human? They just stare at me. I rear, turn, and try to head towards the living room or back door but they are stronger than me somehow.

They lead me out of the house and then tie me to a tree in the back yard. Dad makes sure it's tight then Mom says, "We can keep it here for tonight and tomorrow we can decide what to do with it." "Please don't leave me here," I say but it is only whinnying that comes out of me.

"We need to ask Sam if he knows where she could have gone," Dad says worriedly. Mom nods before mentioning other places I could have gone. Like to the barn,  Ashley's house, a boy's house maybe or even a party. As if I would ever sneak out to go somewhere besides to my best friend's or to see my horse.

Behind them I see Callie walking toward me. Mom turns around and picks up Callie and walks back in the house. The calico isn't an outside cat. "Goodnight, horse," Mom says to me sadly.She must be worried about me. I whinny back, "Goodnight Mom."

I stand there for about 30 minutes deciding, when finally I know what I have to do. I have to run away. Run away and never come back. But can I undo the rope? I pull as hard as I can. Nothing. I rear up and strike the rope with my hooves. And then I know how to get away...

Wait. What is that?!



I have finally gotten to the part. What do you think Sasha should do? Stay or run? Do you think Sasha will ever be a human again?

I haven't actually decided what I'm gonna do with this book but I will find out after I continue writing. Keep reading to find out! I will update every day. Thankyou for reading.

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