Drunken Kiss | {any member} (4K Special)

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You were at the party that your ex boyfriend hosted

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You were at the party that your ex boyfriend hosted. You didn't plan on going but the party was huge and you never said no to fun. It was not those type of let's have fun because my parents aren't home type of party. It was the I'm rich and I know almost everyone in town type of party. Well, your ex was that type of guy who could make friends with a total stranger after a small toilet conversation.

You did give it a thought for like a few seconds but you screwed all the ex rules and ended up going there, getting all ready by pulling off that best outfit you've got.

Your friend was busy at home so she didn't come along with you. You didn't mind since you had always gone to parties alone. Besides, she would've killed you if she had known who was the host of the party and you would end up wasting a good Friday night.

Eventually, you arrived at the place which was already filled with people. The music blared through the speakers and you entered the familiar house without a care. You needed a few drinks to get rid off all the stress so you parked yourself at the drinks section.


One cup went to two which went to three and it just kept on increasing until you couldn't tell how many cups you had chucked down your throat. You were going all off that day.

You felt someone tap your shoulder so you turned around. You squinted your eyes but still didn't manage to tell who it was. You were way too drunk to see the person standing before you properly.

"You look pretty today."

You chucked and smiled at his complement. At least, you could tell the gender apart.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"You are way too drunk."

You laughed and held your cup up.

"I'm not!" you slurred confidently.

Anyone could tell that you were drunk but no drunk person had ever said he's drunk before. In your mind, you were completely sober.

"Are you sure?"

You titled your head up and paused before nodding to answer his question which was clearly unreliable.

"You are drunk," he concluded and your lips pulled into a huge pout.

"I am not," you argued.

To prove him, you pulled him along with you and went to the games section where you started throwing the ping pong balls into the cups and some other party games available. You were always good at games whether you were drunk or not. So, obviously, you won against everyone who played with you.

"Not bad."

"See! I'm not drunk!"

"Sure sure."

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