A Mother's Prince

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The news was everywhere, Wakanda was going to open its borders up to the public. You sort of shrugged it off somehow, here you were, standing outside of the building the very kind of Wakanda was in. You were a single mother to your son Jalen and for some reason, seeing the King of Wakanda gave you so much hope, not only for your race but to motivate progression and change. So again, here you were waiting outside of the building with your 7-year-old boy bored out of his mind, playing on your phone while the meeting went on on a big screen across the street from the building itself.

"And so, Wakanda has decided to step out of the shadows, and help those in need," The king's voice rang out through the speakers and even though it was almost destroying your eardrums, it was somewhat soothing. Each word he said was like a stream of water gently rolling over the rocks on the bottom, that made no sense.

"Mama, why are we here?" Jalen asks looking up from the phone, "I'm hungry," he whined and you couldn't help but feel bad. It was hot and crowded and your son was clearly uncomfortable, so you decided to tell him something that you hoped would catch his attention.

"Because we are about to see a King! He is our King," You say rubbing his little-dreaded hair.

"Ain't that the president?" He says confused and you frown.

"No, this man is a real King, and he is going to do great things for us," You say looking back to the handsome king on the screen.

You had butterflies in your stomach and for some reason the meeting ended with a small example of what Wakanda really was, but you could tell no one really believed him, that was, until a giant ship suddenly appeared in the sky and landed in the middle of the courtyard and the smile of the king was the last thing showing on the screens before they went black. So that's why that area was blocked off! The sudden appearance of the ship quickly grabbed Jalen's attention along with everyone else. The crowd rushed closer to the guardrail to get a better look at the ship and the King that there was a huge rush. You reached down to grab your son but he wasn't there, immediate panic washes through you, "Jalen! Jalen!? Jalen where are you!" You call out but you couldn't hear if he was calling back to you over the crowd.

"King T'Challa!"

"T'Challa over here!"

"Is that a real ship!?"

There were so many voices and so many different sounds that tears started to roll from your eyes, "Jalen!" you continued to call while pushing through the crowd.

Jalen had managed to get by the guardrail and the security who was too busy dealing with the mob of people that he ended up face to face with the spear of one of T'Challa's guard.

"He is all right," T'Challa says stepping in front of the Dora and kneeling down in front of your son, smiling at how excited he was.

"What is your name?" T'Challa asks and Jalen freezes almost as if not realizing how he got here himself, "Jalen."

"Mama says that you are our King and that you are going to change stuff, what stuff?" Jalen asks almost challenging the king. He smiles and looks off as if thinking of what to say.

"Are you like, going to be my dad or something?" T'Challa shakes his head.

"I have heard about the things people with our blood face and I want to help those less fortunate. I want to build your communities and homes so that you have a better chance. So you too can grow up and become something better," T'Challa says looking off into the crowd at your voice.

"Well Jalen, I think I hear your mother calling for you, did you leave her side?" T'Challa says he did have enhanced abilities, so you wouldn't be surprised if he could hear you, but of course none of you knew that. From the outside looking in, T'Challa was just a normal person with a royal title. You called out more for him until you reach the guardrail and your eyes widen when you see your son talking to the King himself. Instantly you try to push through but the security guard stops you and tries to shove you back, through your fighting another guard has to get involved, "Jalen!"

The two of them look up at you and your heart flutters when T'Challa gives you a smile. He looks at one of his guards, mouthing something to one of them, you couldn't hear because of the crowd but you figured it was something good because one of his guards was coming towards you. "Release her, the King has requested to see her," The woman's voice was powerful, so powerful that the security let go of you immediately. You shrug them off and fix yourself giving them a death glare before running over to your son and dropping to your knees, pulling him closer to you.

"What did I tell you about running off! You scared me half to death! Don't you ever do-"

"I assure you, ma'am, it is alright," T'Challa says placing a hand onto your shoulder. His touch was gentle yet firm. You practically felt his power coursing through your body, you wanted to follow his every command, but all you could do was apologize. T'Challa holds up his hands as if your apologies were too much for him, he just smiles and chuckles before placing a hand onto Jalen's shoulders, which in fact were on top of your as well.

"Do you see what happens when you leave your mother's side? She worries for her prince. You are your mother's world, pride, and joy. But you are also her protection," He says his accent sounding even better in person. Your heart rate slowed and all you could do was close your eyes and pull your son into your chest.

T'Challa seemed to sense your stress and helps you up off of your knees, in silence you watch as he pulls a bead from his bracelet then hold out his hand. You open your palm to him and he places it, closing your hand around the smooth bead.

"I wish that we could stay and talk, but, if you ever come into any trouble, or need anything at all, please do not hesitate," He says looking into your eyes. You are speechless and look down to your son who looked amazed.

"As for you young Jalen," The King kneels back down so that he is face-to-face with your boy, "I want you to protect your mother, help her, be there for her, you have an excellent, wise, and," He looks up to you, "a very beautiful mother. Is that understood?" He says looking back to Jalen.

Jalen nods and gives a toothy grin when T'Challa ruffles his dreads then stands back up to you, nodding and turning off. The guards take formation around the king as the door to the ship opens and he steps into it. You open your hand and look at the shining grey bead and then shoves it into your pocket. You grab your sons hand while watching the ship rise and fade into the sky.

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