Chapter 8

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When we got to the stop sign near my house, I slowly moved my hand out of Lauren's. I didn't want either of my parents to see.

She looked at me to see my expression. I smiled shyly, and she mimicked my expression, not on purpose though. 

"My house will be the first house on the right," I said breaking the silence.

"Okay," she smiled.

I had a million thoughts running through my mind. Lauren made me so happy, but I was so scared. Did I like her more than a friend? None of it was making sense because I really had never felt these type of feelings before. 

I was lost in my thoughts, and I must have been sitting there for awhile, because Lauren wiggled my leg, making me jump.

She laughed, " This is the right house, isn't it?"

"Oh.. Yeah.. This is it. Thank you for the ride Lauren."

"Of course! Anytime," She smiled more. She was super smiley. 

I grab my backpack, wave goodbye and skip away. I jumbled in my backpack to get my keys. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Lauren was still there. Once I unlocked the door and went in, I turned and we both waved again. She then backed out slowly and headed toward her house. She must've been waiting to see if I would make it in safely. That was sweet of her.

"Camila!! Hi! How was school?" My mom screamed. Okay maybe she didn't scream, I was just super deep in thought.

"Oh Mom! Hi. School was actually really good."

"Honey, Whose sweatshirt is this? Jauregui? Is this one of the boy's last names in your class?"

I blush and grab my cheeks, a little frustrated that I couldn't control my rosy cheeks. "Oh, no that's just the new girl. I didn't bring any clothes last night when we were working on the assignment so she let me borrow her sweatshirt."

"It looks very nice on you," she smiled.


"I have a lot of homework to do, so uh I'm just gonna go upstairs to my room and well ya know work on it."

Mom gave me a funny look, and before she could say anything else, I sprinted up the stairs.

I threw my backpack on my bed, and grabbed my phone out of my backpack. Of course there's only 20 percent battery left. I search my backpack to find the charger I packed in my bag the night before. I throw out one book after another, and finally come to the conclusion that I left it at Lauren's house.


I send to her, feeling horrible for bothering her right after she dropped me off.

"You left your charger here didn't you?"

"You read my mind.Could you bring it to school tomorrow"

I say smiling at my phone. STOP SMILING AT YOUR PHONE.

"I can bring it over now if you want. You know that won't last until tomorrow." 

She knows me too well.

"I'll just borrow my mom's car. I'll be over in like 10 minutes if that's okay!"

"See you soon :)"

I race downstairs, tell mom what I'm doing, and then rush off before she can ask any questions.

Lauren is sitting on the steps outside the front door when I pull up.

" Exactly 10 minutes. I timed you," she smiled and stood up.

" I don't lieeee." 

Am I seriously already blushing? And like... what for?

"Here, your charger is in my room! Come with me!"

I follow her, while admiring all the cute pictures of Lauren when she was a young girl. I mean not that she wasn't cute now. Just like a different kind of cute...

" Right where you left it! Who would have thought?"

I laugh and grab the charger from her hand. Our hands brush each other's and they linger touching for a little while. 

"Thank you," I cough trying to shake us both from the awkward pause.

"So about earlier today.."

"What about it?" I ask trying to seem oblivious to everything that happened.

" That was okay wasn't it?"

My hands start to fidget. 

"Yeah it was okay," I was looking down at my feet. I raised my eyes to look back up at Lauren.
" I actually really liked it," I try to hide my smile.

"I'm glad. I did too."

We are looking at each other in the eyes, but I notice she glimpses down at my lips for a minute. I look at hers, and bite my lip. We are slowly getting closer. I close my eyes.

"LAUREN!! Get down stairs!!!"

"Woah who was that?" I jump away from Lauren.

"Ugh MOM!" Lauren looks at me and tries to smile.

"Sorry, I will get headed home, thank you for my charger!"

"Of course. See you at school," she says as guiding me outside to my car.

I hop in and back out and head my way toward my house.

Were Lauren and I gonna kiss???

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