
17 2 0

Road work ahead, uhh ya I sure hope it does.
2 bro's chillin in the hot tub 5 feet apart because they're not gay.
Hey Kerry do u want some?
This bitch empty YEET.
Get that phone outta my face!
He got it all
He needs some milk
We have to be careful guys someone here is possessed by a owl.
That's the thing we don't....
Who's that Pokemon?
it's clefairy
I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand
Poseidon equivalent before you
Fuck of
I want to see my little boy I want to see my little boy
Here he comes
I mean four female ghost busters? The feminists are taking over
I'm an adult virgin
So basically...ahh fuck I can't believe you've done this
Turn off the flash ya fucking moron
Jared can please read chapter 3 please for the class?
No cannot
Whaddup I'm jared and I'm 19 and I never learnt how to fucking read

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