©Bye Old Home©

33 5 22

Ring ding dong ring ding dong-CRUCH

He threw his phone

At the wall

Like a moron

"Oh my god. Are you kidding me?" He sat up from his bed looking at the phone that now lay on the floor with a large crack in it.

Fucking iPhones..

He grunted but non the less had to get up. He looked over at the 'door' and internally screamed

We really do have to find a new place to stay.

He lightly shook the dog that lay next to his head.

"Tannie, come on~ we have to go find a new house, there may even be Mariah Carrie there."
The dog didn't move and like every morning he repeated what his dog wanted to hear.

"Tan there might be some heterosexual females if we go outside." The dog stood up wagging his tail rapidly.

"I can practically feel the straight radiating off of you" He stood up from his bed and walked over to the tattered door.

He sat down on the floor and began caressing the one direction posters that ripped when the door was pushed in. He just sighed and took a good last look at the place he had been staying for 6 months.

This whole zombie apocalypse thing happened nearly a year ago. As soon as he heard the announcement he grabbed his puppy and a few valuable items and fled the city. He found himself roaming around the country side for a few days, not many of the things were around because it was such a secluded place. After 3 weeks or so the things started moving in flocks and getting into the country side, completely overflowing the area. He moved around a lot for the first 3 months, going from old houses to abandoned apartments and even spent a few nights in a large bed frame box.

He had only found this place on accident when he was being chased by a person trying to take his food. He stumbled upon the cave and quickly crawled in, going deep into The cave to not be seen. The rest just kinda happened on its own, Tannie found the 'door' and Taehyung then called it home.

He was interrupted when his dog started nuzzling under his hand to get his attention. He giggled at the small creature and stood up, getting his things together to start searching for a new place.

Not having much to get, it only took him 10 minutes to make sure he had all the food and his valuables.

He picked the small dog up and slung his bag over his shoulder. Making his way to his new life.


It had been

An hour

A whole hour

Of just walking
And walking
And walking.

There was no suitable place for them to reside yet, only finding broken homes and overrun farms.

He was about to give up when he saw it. A big wall. A huge wall, secluding the place from any outside world.

Taehyung smiled to himself, thinking he found a place to stay, and maybe even people

Before we continue, not being around people for over 10 months can,,well fuck you up in the head to say the least.

These next few months were gonna be a bit loopy

Hi this needs to be seen by fucking everyone

Hi this needs to be seen by fucking everyone

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These are the ONLY things that matter right now

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These are the ONLY things that matter right now

I've been grounded for 3 days  sorry for not updating

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