A Normal Day

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  Monday 7:00 January 2nd

      Today is a new , normal day but today I got a package from Princess Celestia and inside was a diary ,this diary. I have a pet dragon named Spike .(He is a baby dragon . No wings . Barely any fire breath.)He helps me a lot he is ......very much needed.I mean you could say friend but I don't ....... never mind. I am a unicorn with the specialty of magic and following as a student of the one and only Princess Celestia! Since forever I have made a daily check list but now that I have a diary today and today only I declare that I shall use this paper as a check list,


1. Pick out the most professional bagel there is at Fancswaffes Bakery,

2.Reorganize my room ,

3.Help reorganize the library,

4.Study in library,

5.Take notes,Come home

6. Re-reorganize room,

7.Make a checklist for my checklist,

8.Read magic recipes,

9.Find a recipe only using memory(it helps with brain training),

10.Make it ,eat and sleep.


             Gotta go! Twilight sparkle.

   Twilight was so excited she didn't read the note in package along with the diary. That note was very important but she didn't even notice it! She soon went on checking off her check list as she always had and acted normal ignoring ponies. Not to be mean she had no friends and was mostly shy, don't get me wrong  she had a strong heart , she could ace any test but the hardest test there is is making a pony friend her heart broke almost every time she tried to say the word  .Then second time she came to organize her room she had finally noticed the note, but she was not happy.

Twilight Sparkle: Diaries Of A New Pony In TownWhere stories live. Discover now