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Ysabella heard a 'thug' after she dropped the bow of her violin when the string snapped. Shock consumed her being. Unable to move. The only thing she did was to stare out of nowhere. Its to quiet. She finally understood the meaning behind the famous line 'the song of silence'. Fear devoured her.
She can't hear it! Her mind is in complete turmoil. She can't her the music she's playing! No matter how hard she play she still can't hear anything. Realizing the situation, Ysabella dropped her violin as a she shouted out of fear and frustration.
She looked down and found the instrument broken, her fingers bleeding. Still crying, she suddenly started laughing. Ysabella is in hysterical. But she couldn't hear anything.

Ysabella Salvatore.

The music prodigy.

Lost her ability to hear.


She's Ysabella Salvatore.

Unable to create music.


Chasing Ms. SungitHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin