Highschool With Talents

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Okay so I wanted a new story and trust me i'm making this up compleatly on the spot i really just need a distraction from schhol,family,friends..life you know? So i'm writing a story just for you!

-Madisen (:


"Hey, my name is Emi, short for Emilla, and I'm not like other people."

I can control elements such as water,earth,fire and air. In my family this is also pretty uniqe mostly because most of my kind can only control one elment.

My mum can control air, my dad water but my grandad controls earth and gran can control fire.

They say I am a prodagy but truthfully thats not what I want, to be in the spot light for your whole life is truely over-wheleming.

Everyone wants my talents but even worse i'm now starting highschool with kids like me.

The Secert World is a place for people born or given those talents and we are not aloud to interact with humans.

But in this world there are witches,holder of elements(like me),mermaids,vampirers,werewolfs,off-spring of gods,and many more.

This year I'm going to highscchool with teens such as these-I'm scared out of my mind!


Ooooo what will happen? How will highschool go? I'm terribly sorry if I didnt put enough detail into it I was just giving you a slight taste tell me what you think-comment!

Highschool With Talents जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें