Highschool With Talents-Getting Started

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Emi's POV-

I hate the first day of school after summer you always wish summer was at least one month longer or at least thats how I always felt. But today was my first day of highschool and I am pretty estatic about it. I mean starting a special talents school for teens with amazing abilties is nerve-wraking but awesome at the same time. At least I won't be completly alone. My best friend Skye is going to be a freshmen with me to.

Skye is 6'3 and has a 6 pack. Shaggy icy-blonde hair with chocolate brown eyes w/ red and gold . Skye's abilty is time munipulation. He can slow down, speed up or stop time completly. At first glance he might seem a little scary but really he is about the nicest guy there ever was.

I have always had a thing for Skye ever since we were young but he has never shown any kind of emotion for me besides kindness and understanding. He acts as my protector and besides me he looks like a gaint...everyone does.

I am 4'9, 120 pounds, light brown hair with deep water blue (dark blue) eyes. My hair goes to my waist but I always have it in two braids. People would mistake me for a 6th grader if I didn't have a big bust. D-cup and proud of it (completly natural).

So back to reality of highschool. It was a private school so we wear uniforms. Our school colors are dark blue and white. So I was wearing the uniform it was a dark blue skirt w/ a white polo . The only thing we get to cutomize are our shoes and back packs. So I was wearing my black and marron Zoo Yorks and a black backpack with writing and drawings with neon puff up glue.

Gez I get distracted so easily I didn't even notice we had already pulled up to the school. It looked like it was hundreds of years old but you could tell that the dorms were new. Yes this is a all around school well we are aloud to leave for holiday breaks and stuff like that.

I was so excited I was starting to shake. The car came to a stop and I spotted Skye and said good bye to my driver and dashed up behind Skye and hopped on to his back.

"Skye I missed you!" I was hooked onto his back and a couple of feet of the ground when I was swung around to the front of him and he was holding me bridal style.

"Missed you too Em" he said while smiling. He let me down and I took a step back to take him all in. He was pretty much the same but maybe a little taller or it was just me shrinking and he was now wearing the school uniform. Long dark blue pants with a white polo. "I have to admit you looked pretty good...enogh to eat." he was laughing his evil laugh. I statred backing up into a tree which I made some leaves fall in his face. "Hahaha just messing with you but that reminds me lets go eat" he was smiling and I could tell he got a kick out of my midgetness. "OKAAY!!!!!" I satrted skipping happily of course holding his hand going down the hallways.

Of course everyone was staring at me funny but i'm used to it. After we ate pancakes and icecream yes icecream for breakfeast my favorite. Skye was helping me move my luggage into my room but since the dorms were co-ed we were sharing a room. So while he was lugging all 10 of my bags up the 5 flights of stairs I was licking my cherry lollipop at the stop. I mean Skye is strong but it even takes him a long time carrying my bags. But hey sue me i'm a girl thats going to be living here for four years and i'm not growing anymore so I can pretty much get away with how many bags I have.

Once we (and by we I mean Skye) unpacked all of my clothes Skye sat on the couch and i sat on top of him while watching Scooby-Doo. Nobody shall hate on Scooby-Doo or they shall die he is my hero. Sonn after watchin a few thousand episodes I fell asleep knowing that Skye would put me to bed and most likely sleep next to me and Mr.Snuggles, my teddy bear I got from Skye. Hopefully school will be semi-fun tommorow.


Sorry about this chapter it was just kind of needed to get the story going. So coo=mmet,vote heck even become a fan! Thanks

-Madisen :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2010 ⏰

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