Chapter 4

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Tonight the boys play their first show in LA, and since it was at a bar it was age restricted. The guys pull up to the venue and unloaded their gear. After they had soundcheck the decided to hang out before the show.

That same day Hannah wakes up to a pressure on her rib cage. It was her cat. "No you little shit, you're always hungry!" Hannah groans and wipes her eyes. Her cat meowed again. "Oh okay fine." She fluffs up her cat's white fur causing the cat to purr. "You're such a pretty kitty!" She sings to her cat, "you're so fluffy and lovely and-" her phone rings.

Hannah stops petting her cat and looks at the phone. "Huh? Someone is calling me?" Their was so contact set, just a random phone number from her area. "Hello?"

"Hi! Is this Hannah?"


"Hannah it's me, Sydney!"

She skimmed through all of the people she met. Sydney? When did she meet a Sydney? "Who?" Hannah spoke into her iPhone.

"Sydney...from high school! Don't you remember me? We used to be best friends in sophomore year."

Hannah's face lit up, a huge smile formed on her face. "Yes! Yes I remember you! How are you?"

"I'm good! So I was thinking maybe we should get together and hang out? There's this place down the street that has awesome food and-"

"Okay! Pick me up around my house at eight!"

After she told Sydney her address the phone call ended. Hannah was ecstatic that she finally gets to hang out with someone! "What am I going to wear? What time is it?" Millions of thoughts were swimming in her mind. She checked the clock and saw it was noon. "How the hell did I sleep in that late?"


Around six o'clock Hannah opened the door to her small apartment with bags of clothing from her shopping trip. She ran to her room and stripped off her clothing to hop into the shower. She blow dried her blonde hair, making it extremely frizzy.

"Straightener? Or curling iron?" Hannah questioned herself. She picked up her flat iron and started working on her lions mane.

Seven o'clock and Hannah's make up is done. A simple winged eyeliner, mascara, and her favorite nude color lipstick. Seven thirty she is in her outfit of the night. Black skinny jeans, black converse, and a white crop top that's cut just above her belly button.

"Dressed down a little..but it's a bar so it's okay." She shrugged while looking at her reflection in the mirror, walking away before she could point out any flaws.

It is finally eight o'clock and Sydney's car is parked outside the gate to her apartment. Hannah grabs her purse and runs out the door.

Cameron walks around nervously, biting in his finger nail. "You okay?" Zach questioned while he was fixing his brown hair in the mirror. "I'm not so sure. I haven't been nervous like this since our last Allstar Weekend show!"

Zach sighed and patted Cameron's back. "Don't be nervous, we've played tons of times before. Why are you nervous now?"

"I-I don't know. I don't see a lot of fans outside.."

"Cause they're underaged."

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Cameron get ready, okay? The other band is about to play."

The other band played a few of their songs, making Cameron feel a little better. He walked around with a beer in his hand, taking small sips every once in awhile. "Cameron is that my beer?" Zach said, "weren't you supposed to bring it to me twenty minutes ago?"

"Sorry. Kind of forgot.." Cameron handed the beer to Zach.

"Doesn't matter now, we go on in ten minutes."

Hannah and Sydney were sitting at the bar, listening to the music from the band playing. "Can we get an order of fries?" Sydney asked the lady working there. "Anything else?" She asked. "No, that's all!" Sydney replied.

"Fries?" Hannah asked while raising an eyebrow. "Remember in high school we always went to Jasper's and ordered fries?" When their fries came Hannah smiled while the memories flooded her mind. "Yes! And how we always tried to order a beer along with it!" She laughed, pushing her blonde hair behind her ear.

Sydney grabbed a fry and blew on it to cool it off before eating it. "But the guy said we were too young." The two girls laughed. The opening band stopped playing and got off of the stage.

Cameron stepped on the stage, same with the rest of the band, looking at how many people were there. "See Cam, nothing to be nervous about!" Zach flashed him a smile. "Yeah. You're right!" He picked up his bass. "Hey everybody, we're The Tragic Thrills, and we're going to play a couple of songs for you guys."

Sydney took a sip of her beer and looked over at the stage. "Oh my gosh! It's him!" She said while squealing. "Who?" Hannah looked around. Sydney pointed her finger towards the stage, her red hair swaying back and forth with every move she made. "Over there! On the stage! We went to high school with them!" Hannah looked over at the stage.

"Oh yeah, you had the biggest crush on...him?" Hannah pointed at the bass player. "Yes him!" Sydney couldn't stop squealing, "he got even cuter!" "Ew, he wasn't even cute to begin with..." The words came out before she could even filter them. Hannah turned to Sydney, staring at her before clearing her throat. "Just because he wasn't a football star doesn't mean he wasn't cute.." Sydney mumbled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

"It's whatever." Sydney sighed and stuffed a few fries in her mouth. Hannah couldn't help but giggle, Sydney giggled, too. "We can't take each other seriously." She said after swallowing the fries. "Right?"

"We were great.."

"Really great!"

"But then you become popular and just ditched me for...everybody else." Sydney looked down, ignoring the boys play in the background.

"I really am sorry. We should start over, since nobody that I ditched you for is talking to me."

"Really?" Sydney rose an eyebrow, "they don't talk to you anymore?"

"Nope. They're all a bunch of high maintenance assholes. Just like Kim Kardashian.."

"You're pretty high maintenance yourself." Sydney poked Hannah's arm.

"What? Am not!"

"Hannah we both know that if you don't have it your way, it's chaos!"

Hannah sighed, "okay...I guess you're right.."

"I know I'm right!"

A guy comes up to them, touching their shoulders as he apologizes for interrupting them. "Hi, sorry, I just wanted to ask you girls something."

His blue eyes were staring into Sydney's brown ones. "Oh, hi! You guys were good up there." She said before breaking eye contact. "Thank you. I'm Zach." He held his hand out for Sydney to shake. "I'm Sydney."

"And I'm Hannah" she chimed in, feeling left out.

"Hello, Hannah. Nice to meet you Sydney." Zach flashed a smile towards Sydney, "I wanted to see if you guys want to hang out with us?"

Hannah looked around the bar once again, "us?" She questioned.

"My band mates and I." Zach pointed to Cameron, Chris, Ans, and Gabe.

"Oh, that seems a little sketchy.." Hannah said.

"That's the point." He winked at Sydney.

"I think we should go!" Sydney said, mesmerized by Zach and his beautiful blue eyes.

"Are you crazy?"

"Maybe!" Sydney got off of the bar stool and stood next to Zach, waiting for Hannah to join them.

"Oh alright! If we get raped I'm so gonna kill you!"

She looks so perfect- A Tragic Thrills fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now