Chapter 21

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(A/N) not that it matters or anything but I changed the chapter titles to numbers cause I got too lazy to write them out. Also I just wanted to say that Luke Hemmings is Taylor.


(Zach's POV)

"Well, that was an interesting breakfast...I guess your parents hate me now." I say and let out a long sigh, sitting on the bed. Hannah sat next to me and kissed my cheek. "The day is young."

"But-" I began before she cut me off.

"You had a great first impression! I'm pretty sure your career choice won't make them hate you. I mean look at me, I'm unemployed and I'm not even in school. They probably like your career choices better than mine." She pulled her brown hair in a ponytail and stripping off her dress before putting on a t-shirt of mine and some sweats.

"I don't believe that's true. Parents hate musicians!" Every girl that I have dated, their parents hated the idea of me being in a band. Every. Single. Parent. What would change their mind? What is so bad about being in a band?

"You just have to show them you are good. You'll be fine, okay?"

"But I'm not good! I suck, actually!" I cross my arms like I'm a little child.

"You're great. Why do you have fans if you suck? Hmmmm?" She was looking at me with a huge smile on her face, I couldn't help but smile too. She's adorable.

"I'm so glad I have you." I say while kissing her cheek, then her nose, then her forehead.

She giggled but I kept on kissing random spots on her face. "I'm so glad I have you, too!"

(Cameron's POV)

"Cameron..." Hannah's voice echoed through my mind.

"Huh?" I say aloud. Everything was black. I couldn't see a damn thing.

Then all of a sudden she was right there in front of me. I look around the small space. We were back in the janitors closet.

"Were you listening at all?!" Tears were strolling down her cheeks. I couldn't recall what just happened.

"Hannah, dating Sydney was a big mistake. You're the one I want!" I say, grabbing her hands.

She looks up at me, her blue eyes staring into mine. "What? But I'm dating Zach. Your best friend!"

"I don't care. Please, just kiss me!" I haven't felt this desperate in my entire life. But I needed her. I couldn't deal with not having her in my life.

"I can't! Are you insane?!" She scoots as far away as she can get in this small closet.


It was silent. She was deep in thought and my heart began to race. What the hell is she thinking about? Ugh I can't take this! "Hannah..."

In one swift motion, she pushes me against the wall and kisses me. I couldn't help but smile through the kiss. I've wanted this for so long and I didn't even know it.

One thing lead to another and she was half naked. I look at her body but I can't see a thing, which was strange since her clothes were laying on the floor.

I don't see her stomach, thighs, or her chest. It's all a blur like she was being censored. "Cameron is everything okay?" She unbuttoned my shirt while kissing my neck. Something is not right here.

She throws another article of clothing on the floor. I focus on it to see that it was her bra. I look at her chest that was still censored from my eyes. Something REALLY isn't right here!

She looks so perfect- A Tragic Thrills fan fictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz