Chasing Cars

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I just stood there in shock, not knowing what to do when I saw Piper out of the corner of my eye, and she didn't look happy, her face was red with anger, her eyes red as if she'd been crying, her eyebrows were furrowed, to say the least she looked like the girl version of Yosemite Sam. And she was headed straight for me.

"What did you DO to him?? He's crying, and he slapped me in the face and it's all because of you!! He's not talking either!! You BROKE Leo!! He was being nothing but nice to you and all you did was just brush him off like he was annoying you!! Like some kinda fly you didn't want around!! What is wrong with you?! Couldn't you see that he liked you? You couldn't have at least humored him or let him down gently if you didn't like him? But oh no, apparently you're new name is Nico di asshole and you hurt his damn feelings!!! Do you even care or are you really as soulless, heartless, and emotionless as everyone thought you were before? I thought you were changing-

She's right, I was being a jerk, I don't know what got into me, one minute I felt carefree and happy with Leo, and the next I'd felt terrible about myself and wanted to change who I was. But this is just who I am, I'm gay. Gay and in love with Leo freaking Valdez, and I'm gonna make this up to him if it's the last thing I do.

Are you even listening to me right now??"

I wanted to say yes but didn't wanna lie. I was about to say no when she says

"Of course you weren't!! You are such a dick!!! I just hate you right now!! Do you even fucking care??!!! UGH!!" She stops talking for a second and walks around me grasping at her hair as if she's about to pull it all out, but her face softens when I say

"I know Piper, and I am so sorry-" I start to say, but I don't finish my sentence before my voice cracks and tears come rushing down my face. I sniffle and try to wipe them away but it doesn't help the tears just keep flowing. It gets to the point where I'm so weak from practically bawling my guts out that I'm crying hysterically and have to sit down on the log again. The same log Leo just got off of, it's still warm and that doesn't help things, I start crying all over again, this time so much my face starts to hurt and my eyes start to burn. After about half an hour of this, Piper hands me a paper towel and I dry my eyes. They feel swollen, and they hurt from all the crying. After a few minutes, I get up the courage to talk, but my voice is still shaky and weak.

"I feel so terrible, my dad just puts all this pressure on me for being his only son and all. I just wanna make him proud and alot of times that includes hurting other people, mostly the ones I care the most about."

"It's ok, I forgive you. It's just... that's my BEST friend that you hurt, and when he's hurting, I hurt too."

"I wish I could tell him how sorry I am." I say my voice finally evening out a little.

"Well he's not dead Nico, you can still tell him. Maybe you'll have more luck then me."

"Right." I blow my nose one more time into the paper towel and take off towards the woods.



"UGH!! That JERK OFF!!" I yell at the wall in my bunker. I kick, punch and bang my head against the wall until I realize that I'm bleeding, that's not good. So I get out some nectar, peroxide, and bandages and clean my hand up. It still hurts though. I sigh. Why is Nico acting like this?? I mean, I know his dad is hard on him and Hazel told me that he was almost always trying to impress him, but gods. Did he have to be such a dick about it?! I sit down and lean against the wall that I abusing just a second ago, thank god walls can't talk cause if this one could it would be yelling at me right now. I bet he must be confused, but he isn't the only one. GODS, what has my life come to? Thinking that walls could talk, sitting here alone and sad, letting a guy break my heart again? After Jason I swore I'd never like a guy ever again, I should've stuck to that plan.... I could've stuck to that plan if Nico hadn't been so cute!! Fuck, what am I saying? He's still cute, but I'll get over him. Just like I got over Jason and all the other people who've broken my heart. Uggggg! Too much thinking! I need to fix something, that'll help, it always does. I'm too sad to get up and work on Festus, I'll just make something. I take out a few random scraps of metal, a blowtorch, and a lock. I keep working on whatever this is until I hear Piper yelling and banging at the door for me to let her in. I must've fallen asleep, I look at what's in my hands, I finished it, it was a metal heart with a keyhole in the center. I put the key in the keyhole and turn, it plays the song "Ti Amo" (*A/N* by Umberto Tozzi if you wanna check it out )and I can't help it. I bawl my eyes out, I sit there for half an hour just crying, not caring about anything, or anyone. I need to turn this stupid thing off, look what it's doing to me?? I look for an off switch but can't see one because my eyes are all swollen. That's when I realize I'm drooling everywhere and my shirt is drenched with tears and snot. 'Get your shit together' I tell myself. I take out a handkerchief from my tool belt and dry my eyes, but it's soaked. I just decide to take out a box of tissues, and wipe my face and by the time Piper bursts in probably using the key under the mat, I'm all cleaned up. I mean my shirt is still soaked with my tears, my eyes are still puffy and hurt, and there's a gazillion tissues littering the floor but it's still better than before. Thinking that doesn't help, it just makes me start crying all over again. Gods, since when did I get to be such a fucking crybaby?? The last time I cried like this... I really need to stop thinking. I'm gonna cry my eyes out of their sockets, I finally manage to stop and Piper is still standing there in front of me looking at me like I'm a wounded animal being crushed by a tree, and suddenly my sadness turns to anger all over again. I slap her in the face and give her a death glare. Her sympathetic look is replaced by one of guilt, sadness, anger and a bunch of other emotions I can't place. I just clench my jaw and watch her as a few tears start to run down her cheeks and she runs away toward the camp. I sit back in my original spot and listen to the music coming from the small heart. Laying my head against the wall and calming down, I realize something. I just slapped the best friend I ever had. I jolt up and run out into the forest like the next speedy Gonzales. I had a sudden spark of thought and tried to light the ends of my shoes on fire, I immediately started going faster,. "YASSSSSS!!" I screamed like a girl with a fresh coffee from Starbucks, when suddenly I ran smack into something, and gods did it hurt!! It felt like bone though, so it was probably Piper.

L is for.... (Leico Valdangelo/ GhostFire)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora