Calypso returns

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 We're at camp half-blood, holding hands, and he's smiling at me, the sun bringing out his white teeth, he kisses me on the cheek and I smile too. I lean close and whisper in his ear "I love you." His smile drops and he starts crying and shaking his head repeating "I'm so sorry Nico, I'm so sorry." And I don't know what to do, I'm frozen on the outside, but on the inside my mind is buzzing with questions. What is he so sorry about? Do I really wanna know? Why is he crying? Finally I just ask him. "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong."

 "Yes I did Nico, I hurt you and I'm so sorry."

 "What are you talking about?"

 "I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore, I love you."

 "What can't you do?"

 "I love you Nico, that's why I'm letting you go." He says as he lets go of my hand.

 "NO! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! I LOVE YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME?! I LOVE YOU, YOU IDIOT!" My face is red and streaked with tears and as Leo hears this he starts to sniffle and cry harder. The tears are flowing freely down his face now, the sky turns red and it starts to rain huge balls of fire. One crashes right in between me and Leo and splits the earth and falls down with me on it, but luckily I catch the edge.

"Leo!" I yell "Pull me up!" But he's still a burbling crying mess. "Please Leo!" But he just stares at me and cries harder. What seems like hours pass when he finally wipes his hands on his pants and pulls me up. But then, he falls and lands on a patch of earth that's falling, but he's no longer crying. He looks up at me and says "Let me go." And falls into the darkness below me.


 I wake up drenched in sweat, breathing heavily and a worried Hazel staring down at me.

 "Are you ok?" she asks in her worried sister voice.

 "Yeah," I reply "I'm good, bad dream is all."

 "Same one as before?"


 "I'm so sorry Nico," she starts, but I cut her off

 "Hazel, please, it's ok. Ok?"

 "Ok," she says not really looking convinced. "Well if you need anything, and I mean anything you come and get me. You know where to find me." And with that, she kisses me on the forehead and turns to exit our cabin. Then she twirls around and says "Oh and Nico?"


 "Take a shower." I chuckle,

 "You got it."



I sit down at the Hephaestus table and sigh happily. Piper looks up at me, "What's it today lover boy?"

 "Lover boy?! First of all, I am not a boy, Ms. McLean, I am a man-"

 "Really? Says who?"

 "Says the whole human race,"

 "Except me."

 "Yep, you're the weird one."

 "Why is that?" I get up on top of the table and say

 "'Cause everyone knows that I am Leo Valdez aka Super-Sized Mcshizzle aka bad boy supreme aka supreme commander of the Argo II!" For a little bit, everything in the lunchroom stops and every one just stares at me blinking.

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