Chapter 1

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"Why are we hiring him? His track record, says otherwise. He has had a long list of jobs over the past three years, and had not kept any of it." She said in frustration, gazing out the window before turning back around and taking her seat at the head of the table. She twirled her black ballpen between her fingers.

"You're just upset, Wood" A big burly man with dark brown, buzzcut hair replied with a smirk.

Her sharp blue eyes looked on in a questioning manner. "Upset about what exactly, Archer?!" She snapped back in the most professional manner that she could muster in that moment.

"You're upset because he applied for the job that is just below yours," Archer said

She looked around to gauge everyone's reactions. Most of them were agreeing.

She sighed before replying "I'm not upset about that Jason. My father wants to hire him without looking at other potential suitors. There could be someone else who is just as perfect for the job,"

Mr Wood, Zayrah's father, finally spoke up "Zayrah, he has the potential and that is all that matters. Plus he has the experience we're looking for in engineering and technology, he'd be an excellent addition to our team."

Zayrah knew she was trying to win a losing battle and eventually gave in, "Alright, then you should hire him... Does anyone disagree with the decision?" She asked the board members.

No-one chose to comment and some shook their heads in a no motion.

"Then this meeting is adjourned. Thank you all for your time," She said before, pushing her chair back to stand up. After some chatter, everyone except the Wood's and Archer left the glass boardroom.

"Dad, are you sure about this?" She asked her father, "He doesn't have the experience of working at a huge company like ours,"

"Yes Zayrah, I'm absolutely sure. When we conducted the interview. He was brilliant and answered every question perfectly," Vincent replied.

"You should have seen the kid, Wood. There's something about him that makes him interesting choice but I cannot figure it out what it is yet." Archer said, as he came to stand behind Zayrah, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She smiled gratefully knowing that if Jason Archer approved then he was an acceptable option.

"You saw that too Archer? Was it that determined look in eyes and his demeanour?" Vincent asked Archer grunted, letting go of Zayrah's shoulder.

Zayrah glanced at her rose gold watch, shocked at the time. "Sorry boys, I have to leave. I have another meeting that I need to get to." Giving her father a kiss on his cheek and a little wave to Archer. She grabbed her file and handbag from the mahogany table and left.

"Bye darlin' Have a good day," Vincent said as she walked out,

"Yeah see you, Wood," Archer said.

"He's definitely going to rile her up a lot," Jason commented to Vincent, watching Zayrah as she went to the elevator.

"He's a schnook. I can tell you that. I just hope he has a positive impact in her life, I mean that was one of the reasons, I wanted to hire him. He'll challenge and take some of the stress away from her." Vincent replied

"Well speaking of hope. I hope you made the right decision, Vince." He said as they both watched Zayrah disappear inside the elevator.


Zayrah watched as the doors closed and waited for the bright red, little numbers on top to change from floor 5 to floor 7. She gazed at her reflection in the mirror behind her and quickly pulled out her lipstick from her handbag that was hanging off her shoulder, dabbed some on and smacked her lips together to make sure it spread evenly.

The elevator dinged, letting her know that she had arrived on her floor. Stuffing her lipstick back into her handbag, she stepped out and walked towards her office. As she passed the receptionist's desk, her secretary called out, looking up from the computer.

"Hey Zayrah, your 11 o'clock appointment, is waiting for you inside your office. And I dimmed the glass so that no one can see inside," She said, as she put the phone down.

"Thanks, Bon!" Zayrah gave her a dazzling smile.

"You're welcome Wood," Bonnie said before looking at her computer screen, to finish the email she was typing before she took the call.

Zayrah continued to walk towards her now dimmed office, opening the door, she went inside ready to greet her client, but instead did a double take, "Catrina Miller, what are you doing here?" She asked, excitedly giving her a tight hug.

"What? A girl can't visit her best friend?" Catrina asked while hugging her back and took a seat on the black leather couch in Zayrah's office. "I always forget how comfy your couch actually is," she told her.

"Well, the only time you surprise me is when you want something," Zayrah replied, placing her file and bag on her desk before taking a seat on the couch next to Catrina

Catrina's jaw dropped comically, "Come on Wood, you know that's not true," She said with a mischievous grin.

"That grin of yours gives away your master plan," Zayrah told her, putting her elbow on the headrest of the couch and leaning her head in her hand.

Catrina rolled her eyes, "Whatever Zayrah" She gazed around the room, "Hey, this whole dimmed out feature, is new?"

"Yeah we're trying it out, basically it darkens the outside glass, but still lets the sunlight come in, so that during the day I don't need to have the lights on," said Zayrah. "The best part is that no one can see into the room, yet we can see everything outside," She gestured around, for Catrina to see the co-workers walking past, on her floor.

"I had to test the theory the other day and Bonnie was being a sport, and it turned out to be true, so here we are," Zayrah finished.

"It's kinda like the one-way mirrors, we have down at work," Catrina said, "Ours is soundproof too, are yours?" She smirked as she asked and wiggled her eyebrows.

Zayrah laughed, "I actually don't know if it is soundproof, we didn't test that, but I'm sure it is."

Still smirking Catrina told her, "Imagine all the things you could do in this office if it actually and no one will know,"

"Hmm, if something does happen here, you wouldn't know," Zayrah said lost in thought "Dad and Archer's offices, as well as the boardroom, are the only other places that have it," She noticed Catrina smirking, "What are you—"

"Nothing, you're moving up in the world" Catrina replied. "You already have the fancy desk, the swanky new office. What's next Wood? A new man in your life that you haven't told me about too?"

Zayrah playfully shoved Carina. "Jeez, Zayrah Wood, violent much?"

"Don't be a baby Miller, it wasn't that hard of a shove," Zayrah rolled her eyes, emphasising on what she said next "Unless his name is Starbucks, there is no new guy. You know for a fact that you would be the first to know,"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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