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A/N: imagine about you. A big fan of Queen. One night you go out with a friend and he spots you in the crowd. Cute imagine!

Y/N POVIt's Friday night

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It's Friday night. That means party time. Every single teener is going out to the club after a week of school. Me and my friend Ava are in the club too. We sit by the bar and order some drinks. There's a band playing. But not Queen.

They are coming later. I really love Queen. And I have a big crush on the hot drummer. But he will never notice me either. He gets girl on him every single hour of the day. Sadly I'm not on of them. It's just because I normally never go to a club.

This is my first time after a year. I didn't know I zoned out of my thoughts. "Y/N hello? Queen is on the podium." Ava says and shakes my shoulders. "Ow sorry I was thinking." "Let me guess... Roger?" She says. I nod and get a smile on my face. She roles her eyes. But smile after it. "But I He will never notice me." I Say and lower my head. "Of course he will. You just have to take his attention but not to much. Maybe he thinks you are a crazy fan."

"But you know I'm really shy and nervous around boys. That's why I never date someone." She sighs. "Just come dance." She took my arm and drag me into the crowd of dancing people. We finally stop somewhere close by the podium. Why did I even come? I thought. I hate dancing in public. But this time my body thought something else.

I can feel the alcohol is beginning to work on me. So I move my hips on the beat of the music. I dance and dance when Ava stops me. "What are you doing." I ask her annoying. She comes closer to my ear. "Roger is staring at you the whole time." She whispers. It makes me blush but a soft smile comes in my face. I turn around to look at roger and yes. He's looking when.

When we both made eye contact. He smiles at me. I lower my head and couldn't help to smile more and more. Queen stopped playing and said to the crowd they had a little break for a half hour. They go somewhere in the smoke area.

I sigh when I saw them walk away. "Don't be sad Y/N they come back." Ava says and puts a hand on my shoulder. "I know but.... never mind." "Argh come." She grabs my hand again and leads us outside to the smoking area. But sadly. They are not there. But in front of the street. The band sits in there buss smoking a cigarette.

"Here." Ava says and handed me a cigarette. "Ava you know I don't smoke right." "Ow yeah sorry but maybe...." "no I'm not gonna smoke because my crush smokes." I give her the cigarette back. "Talking about your crush. He's looking again." Ava laughs. I look at him and my face is getting hotter and hotter. I turn around and put my hands in front of my face.

After a minute I turn back to look at him again. But this time he talks to his friends. His friends looked at me. "Can we go back now?" I ask Ava and look at her. "I'm not done with my cigarette." She Chuckles. "Argh." I groan. "Stop doing that because drum kid is walking up to us." "O god." I mumble. "Hey." He says and smirk at me. I smile. "Hi." I lower my head and giggle. "What's your name? I say you in the crowd and you look really beautiful." I can't believe it.

"Thanks and my name is Y/N." I smile at him. "Beautiful name for a pretty girl like you." I blush while he keeps looking at me with a smile on his face.
(Like this)

"You wanna hang out tomorrow?" He asks me and grabs my hand

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"You wanna hang out tomorrow?" He asks me and grabs my hand. I lower my head again and giggle. "Yeah." It's all I could say. "Good." He handed me a piece of paper with his phone number and address on it. "Thank you." I say. "No problem love."
"Roger! Get your ass up here we gonna go further." I hear Freddie yell. I giggle.

"See you tomorrow." He kiss my cheek and goes back to his friends. I wave him goodbye.
I look at Ava again and couldn't help but smile like a idiot. "Lucky girl." She smiles.

Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to go to the club today.


Okay second imagine already. And I'm sorry for my bad grammar I hope you guys don't mind about it.

~Sascha~ 💜

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