
We all turned to face Hoseok who was already searching for his phone. Once he found it he left us. He said that his boss called him and he needed some privacy. Hobi walked off and disappeared within the vast crowd.

"Guys we should go to the supermarket so we can buy snacks for the park?" Namjoon asked.

"I think we should buy them for a movie marathon. What do you guys think? We can get ice cream now for the park." Jimin replied.

"I'm gonna go buy something quick. Tae, Kookie come help me carry the ice cream." Jin, Kookie and Tae ran into one of the stores leaving me with the rest. We were waiting for the green man on the crowded pavement. The rest of boys and my brother were standing next to me side by side. I felt safe in their presence.

As we were waiting for the last cars to pass by, a hand pushed me roughly towards car that came racing down the road as if they are trying to win some sort of racing competition. I gasped as another hand grabbed onto my wrist before I fell down on the road.

I began shaking as murmurs from all around me echoed in my ear. Everyone began staring at me like I was some sort of freak in a circus. Jimin held onto me tightly as I started remembering that dreadful night. I was pushed by someone different. My eyes started to water. I had trouble breathing. I felt hot and sweaty. The sounds all around me minimized. My heart was banging against my chest like someone knocking continuously on a door.

"Adora, take deep breaths and listen to me only okay. Look at me, look at me sis. You are fine." His voice reassured me. The sound of the ambulance echoed. Then everything turned black.

My head was pounding annoyingly against my skull like a nail being hammered into a plank of wood. Equipment were connected to my drowsy form restraining me from moving from my uncomfortable position. My back fricking hurts. How long have I been sleeping?

Worried whispers, patients groaning in pain, running nurses reverberated around the spacious hospital walls. Hearing prayers from the families and friends of the patients troubled me. The fear of losing someone is one of the most painful feelings to experience.

I blinked and looked around at the scenery, taking in the new surroundings. White. All white and uncomfortable. I guess I have to get used to seeing from now. Something tells me that there are more bad things coming my way.

The first faces I see were filled with tears like a cup filled with liquid to the rim.

"ADORA!" Jimin came running to me embracing me tightly like a snake strangling its prey. He cried on my shoulder as I rubbed his back. I didn't know how I should comfort him. I'm awkward with that kind of stuff.

He backed away slowly whilst looking at me with puffy, red, teary eyes. He looked so adorable. He reminded me of a chipmunk with food stuffed in their cheeks. I giggled as everyone looked at me with a puzzled expression. I wouldn't blame them though because I would still expect myself to still be emotionless and staring at the wall blankly. One by one they begin laughing with me. Each one of their laughs made me laugh more. I love how they look out for me.

After we calmed down I began to briefly scan them. They stare back at me worriedly. What if they were the cause of me coming into the hospital again?

"Adora you okay? Do you need anything? Are you hungry?" Jimin speaks again.

"Actually, I'm hungry so go get your hyung food." Jin speaks up.

"Excuse me I didn't ask if YOU were hungry but Adora. Get your own food. You got legs so you can do it yourself without anyone's help!" Jimin snaps as a smirk crawls up his face. I try to hold in my laughter. I look at the rest and they are all doing the same. Namjoon starts laughing then we all join in.

"I think we are all hungry Jimin. Would you mind if you get food for us all please?" I smile and he nods obediently and sticks his tongue out to Jin who just responds by making a shocked face.
"I get disrespected by him of all people! I thought he loved me." He fake cries while Namjoon starts to pat his back.

"Are you all gonna forget about the elephant in the room?" Yoongi speaks up looking at me with sorrow.

"Don't worry guys I'm okay! I don't need comfort. It's requires too much effort for everyone." I say quickly then fold my arms, plastering a sloppy smile. He shakes his head and tells the rest to leaves us two alone. They all walk out one by one not before taking one last look over their shoulder.

The room is silent for a minute or two. He clears his throat and looks at me.

"Just let it out. It will make you feel better. If you want you can rant too and I will listen." Seconds later I begin crying my heart out. He takes me in his arms and hugs me gently. I feel safe in his arms. I feel safe with him.

Jimin said that people view Yoongi as someone who is cold and lazy but he isn't like that at all. In fact he has a warm heart and is always there for you when you need it. He isn't lazy at all. He is the most hardworking person I know from what Jimin told me.

We stay like that for for a while. I slowly drift off to sleep and he carefully lies me down on the bed and covers me up with the blanket.

"When you wake up, you can rant all you want. I won't tell anyone."

Yoongi's POV

"Are you all gonna forget about the elephant in the room?" I speak up after they all quiet down. They all turn their attention towards her again.

"Don't worry guys I'm okay! I don't need comfort. It's requires too much effort for everyone." She crossed herarms and attempted to smile. I shake my head and tell the rest to leaves us alone.

"Just let it out. It will make you feel better. If you want you can rant too and I will listen." Within seconds she begins crying and I gently embrace her.

She slowly drifts off to sleep and I carefully lay her down on the bed and cover her with the blanket.

I look at her softly and brush her hair back and kiss her forehead. She needs all the sleep she can get because these events are visibly draining her.

I wish she sleeps well and the person behind all this is caught quickly. Maybe I should start searching for the heartless beast behind all this. I will only ask Jimin for help and keep it a secret from the rest.

I walk out to see the rest of the boys with carrying bags filled with food and snacks. Jimin and Hobi were carrying the beverages. They were carefully carrying it towards her room.

"She's resting. Let's eat outside. I need fresh air." After we find a place to eat outside, I close my eyes and begin planning how to start the investigation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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