Chapter 1

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~A year ago~

"Emma, You better wake up! Locking the door doesn't stop me, ya know!" My elder sister Taylor's voice was audible but I prefered not to hear it. Somehow I was wide awake but I could'nt pull out from bed. I just ignored her warnings although I was well aware of the consequences.

She would started knocking and would not stop till she sees me out and that's exactly what she did. The sound was so annoying that I tried to cover my ears with my pillows but that trick never works for me. I finally gave up. I jumped off my bed and flung open my door. Surely, it was my sister. She smirked at me, probably proud that she had made me wake up, yet again.

"You don't have to act like motherly. I know how to take care of myself. Stop treating me like a 5 year old." I shouted angrily, pushing past her to the toilet.

Taylor stood there for a good 10 seconds before turning back to go down to the kitchen.

As I watched her go down the stairs, I regretted talking to her that way. After all, she was doing all this for me after all our misfortune.

My mom died 2 years ago. Soon after, my dad remarried. Leaving me and my sister in this house alone.

My sister stopped her college education and started taking up different jobs to meet our financial needs like high school fee and daily needs. My dad sends a $1000 every month.

We tried to find him with the address but the address is never his. I hear Taylor curse my dad and even tries to throw it.

If he didn't want us, why help us after all this? Its the guilt. Leaving us all lone. How could he? After all the love that we shared.

However much my sister wants to throw his help. We both know that every cent is worth much more now! We needed it badly.

Taylor is sacrificed her dream of being a singer for me. I can't thank her enough. Yet, I never showed the care and concern that she shows me.

Taylor is a great listener. Whether there's a problem at school or just a crappy overdue project she's always there to help. I tell her everything. From the senior guys I'm crushing on to what I ate for lunch

However, when it comes to her problems, she is always quiet and mysterious. Unlike, the enthusiastic Taylor I knew 3 years ago. The house used to be so vibrant with everyone before our life tragedy. Before, I didn't notice the magic of family but now, all I can do is try to remember the feeling and the atmosphere of how it used to be.

The thing that hurts me the most is how Taylor never tells me anything. I hear her cry every night but I can't bring myself to calm her down. I only wish she would let me in and we could work things out together.

I try to start a conversation with her but she just replies with an 'okay' or a nod. So much for trying to care.


Taylor came in the house and slammed the door shut. Hearing the door shut, I quickly came rushing down from my room eagerly to show her my As for my recent exam. It usually makes her smile and hug me but not today.

She shoved past me and went up the stairs. I stood there till I heard the door shut. It startled me. I just kept quiet the whole day.

Dinner was awkward. Taylor sat there expressionless, putting a spoon of ravioli every few minutes. I tried to say hi but I held back. I wasn't really scared of her. I just wanted to give her space. Even if I took advantage of her, she is a very good sister and I loved her.

That night, I went to her room to talk to her and I heard her talk to someone. She was screaming and crying. Why was she do secretive? Why can't she tell me about her problems like how I do? She probably doesn't trust me as much I trust her.

I went up to her room and stood outside her door for a few minutes. I tried but I couldn't bring myself to enter so I just left a note saying ' I'm here for you! Love you!'

I went to sleep without saying a word. I messaged my friend, Perrie. Telling her about my sister.

Emma: my sis is acting wierd today. She came home crying

Perrie: She's just stressed, Em. Give her some space

Emma: but she's never like this... Im worried

Perrie: why don't you try talking to her?

Emma: I tried but I couldn't...

Perrie: I think it's about time you help her. she always talks to you to solve your problems but there is no one to solve hers. Now it's ur turn to help, Em. I know you she doesn't really open up to you but all she needs at this point of time is someone to talk to.

Emma: but..she's so secretive. She doesn't tell me anything

Perrie: Well, just go in her room and talk to her face to face. You gotta try!

Emma: Ok, i guess

Perrie: Good. Now go! I will see u tmr


I could always talk to Taylor tomorrow. Besides I was damn tired. I needed a rest. So did Taylor. I'm sure everything will be normal tomorrow.
















Hey guys! This chapter is just the background life story of the sisters. The next chapter will be more interesting.

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