Chapter 3

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For the next few days, I stayed at home. However, I became quite popular. News flashed on the television screens and newspapers about the dead girl who killed herself for no reason.

Sometimes there was a picture of me, crying or shouting. As I wondered how the journalists got my photos, I saw a man outside the window trying to take a picture of me. I quickly ran to close all the doors and curtains.

My sister's funeral was lonely with me, Perrie and the guy who is supposedly my 'dad'. I wouldnt call him dad at all. He just abandoned us for his own means of life. We survived ourselves and struggled with the stress of life at a young age. I wouldnt be surprised if Taylor killed herself because she couldnt handle it anymore but I knew Taylor better than that. She was a stronger than that.

I spent most of my time crying and thinking about what to do and how to survive without Taylor. Then I realized that I forgot about school. I quickly dialed  Perrie's phone number.

"Hey Em!"She said with her usual Aussie accent. The only thing that was missing was her usual bubbly tone. I needed that side of her. It was like losing sunshine.

"Hey! I was wondering if you could tell me what happened in class for the past few days. I missed quite alot, didn't I?"My voice was hardly audible, not because I was sad but because I lost my voice. All the crying had its effect.

"Yea you kind of did. Tell you what. I will come over in 20. And em, don't exert yourself, ok?" She comforted. Taylor and her were my only sources of support. Now, she is my only source of support.

"Yea okay. See you Perrie." With that I cut the phone.

Actually, I was really ecstatic she was coming over. I don't think I can stay alone in here any longer or I will go crazy. I'm even thinking of moving out. I don't want the sounds, smells and sights to remind me of Taylor anymore. It was already too much to bear.

I went to change my shirt before Perrie arrived because my tank top was wet with tears. I changed into my spaghetti strap t-shirt and shorts and went downstairs. When I went into the kitchen, I threw in some cheese sticks in the hot oil. It was Perrie's favorite snack so I decided to prepare some. Just as I took the cheese sticks out, I heard the doorbell.

I ran to the door to open it and sure enough, Perrie was standing there but with Mack. I checked my watch and it was 2pm. He was here to do his second enquiry.

Perrie was not at all surprised at his prescence, much to my amazement. Usually, if a cute guy visits me, she would be overly-obssesed with it.

I let them sit down on the couch as I brought in the cheese sticks. Perrie gave me a smile as I handed it over to her. It had been awhile since anyone around me smiled.

Just as I got comfortable on the couch next to Perrie, Mack began to inquire.

"Ok... So, sure enough, the blade killed her and it slit her wrist. At first, we believed she died due to excessive blood lose but we also found a dent on her skull. Something hit her from the back."

"Are you saying my sister was murdered?" I cried out as Perrie comforted me.The question was who? My sister was well liked by everyone as far as I knew.

"Yes. I came here to ask you if you knew of her enemies or her boyfriend. I talked to your friend, Perrie, and she told me that she wasn't in a good mood for a few days" He asked while taking out a pen and a notebook to hot down clues.

"She didn't have any enemies as far as I know. She doesn't have a boyfriend but she had an ex but he dumped her for another girl last year. And she was quite moody but then again she has been moody before." I said. I had told him almost everything except about... It was probably nothing. I hope.

"O..kay. So, there really isn't any reason for someone to murder Taylor. It looks as if someone has taken revenge against her by slowly slitting her wrists and hitting the back of her head. This is what we know. So, are you sure you are not hiding anything?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I tried not to fidget and sit straight.

"Of course not. why would I do that? I want to find out the murderer too." I defended myself trying not to sound suspicious.

" Course you do, Emma. Perrie, do you know of anything that could help us in our investigation?"

Perrie told him that she knew nothing more and started talking to him while I just walked off. I didn't want to talk about Taylor anymore. Both of them stared at me for awhile. Then, Perrie just continued to tell what she knew.

I just walked up to Taylor's room. It was the only place where I could feel Taylor's presence. I walked into the room and sat on the bean bag. I have never realized how 'Taylor' this room was. When we were with our dad, he once gifted us both with a renovation. Taylor had painted room purple and white and pasted Faith Hill posters. She was a country music lover but I think pop suited her voice better.

I decided to start to explore the room myself. I opened the shelves to see sundresses and checkered shirts. Flipped over her romance novels and looked at her song book filled with her own songs. The only thing that was missing was the abnormal cleanliness Taylor's room. The police had messed up the room in the name of "search".

I jumped over the clutter to reach for the drawer. Inside was a black spiral notebook. I opened the book to reveal her cursive handwriting. As I opened her diary, a paper dropped out.

It read, "To emma..........................

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Hey guys! The letter will continue in the next chapter. Till then, please vote and most importantly comment! :) I love to read comments. Even if its criticism. I will try to write ASAP. Bad news:( school is starting so I cant write very often but with more support from you guys I will try harder. So please do read, comment and vote! :)

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