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Jimin ended up sleeping without his trusty scarf. he realizes that his body is not strong enough to walk again after the day and of course, the laziness is eating him alive at that moment. Even though it's really hard for him to fall asleep, he managed after two or three hours of toss and turning on his bed.

The condition the next morning was definitely something that ruined his whole mood. he forgot to turn on the alarm which results to him getting up late and founding a tired-looking Park Jimin in the bathroom. He had huge eye bags and his skin looked super pale. Not wanting to look dead on his first day, he washed his face with a lot of water and slapped himself repeatedly, hoping that would at least make him more awake.

finding that technique not effective, he got ready for the first day. He expects himself to dance today so, he wore a black loose t-shirt and sweatpants as it was the attribute that he was most comfortable with. before he left the house, he didn't forget to put his fluffy jacket and his black-white sneakers on. Realizing the absence of his scarf, he just snuggled more to the furry insides of his jacket and put his hoodie up.

And with that, he's ready to go.

Although his morning is total shit, he actually for once, found his way to the dance hall without getting lost. he entered the big room nervously only to find a few people seated in the center of the room. he felt like he was interrupting something, so he bowed, said sorry and saw about to leave when a chippy voice called out to him.

"hey! are you, by any chance, Park Jimin?" a guy with a bright yellow hoodie shouted at him. "Um...yes, my name is Park Jimin and I'm new here." he said, bowing to the man that was shouting at him a few seconds ago."Oh! then come in!" he answered cheerfully.

Jimin was a bit hesitant, as he was not good with strangers at all, but he complied anyway. he walked to them and sat beside a guy who was wearing a striped black and red turtleneck with long sleeves. Jimin, being a person who wants to have friends, waved at him and his iconic crescent moon eyes appeared when he smiled. thankfully, the guy smiled and waved back.

"Okay! Jimin, welcome to the Hope Squad!" the guy with the yellow hoodie said, more like announced actually. "I'm Hoseok, most people call me Jhope, I'm the initiator of the club and the 'unofficial' leader here. I usually make the main choreo and dance routines. you can say that I'm the one in charge here."He said proudly.

That didn't last long though

The next thing the redhead did was stomping his feet like a kid and whispered to the guy next to him something like 'uuuggh I sounded so cool!' or ' are you proud of me? I practiced for that!'.

what a funny hyung he is... wait, is he?

"Nice to meet you hoseok... hyung?" he said, carefully not to offend his team leader. fortunately, the response he got was a thumbs up and a wide smile, "Nice to meet you too kid!"

yup, definitely older

"hey bro, nice to meet ya. My name is Mark, I'm new too. I just moved from LA" the boy next to hoseok said with a strong American accent still lingered in his voice. "LA?? that is really far... why did you move here??" Jimin said, feeling curious about his decision to move that far from home.

"I got a shot to have a job so... why not?" he smirked. before they went further into their own conversation, hoseok took the whole attention by clapping and said, "boys, save the chit chat for later okay? we have two more students here to introduce"

hoseok pointed at the two boys remaining, both mark and Jimin was staring at them waiting patiently. after some silence, the person sitting beside Jimin spoke up, "okay, hi, I'm kunpimook bhuwakul, and it's really nice to meet you" he said smiling as if he didn't know that Jimin and Mark didn't catch his name.

Fragile - A tale of letters - Yoonmin / TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now