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"I love and try, in the end I suffer from trying to love you"

Sam's POV
I woke up really tired I snuggle out of my bed and opened the curtains, I let out a deep sigh seeing how beautiful the day was, how amazing it is to stare and just watch how everything goes in process, a smile crept up into my lips when I heard that mom's calling me for breakfast

I quickly rushed to the bathroom to brush my hair "I'm coming! Wait for me!!" I did my morning routine and went downstairs feeling better, I hugged my mom "Goodmorning mom" she smiled "Goodmorning, honey breakfast is ready" I nodded and sat down waiting for the delicious pancake that Mom has made

"How's your sleep?" She asked while she puts syrup and cherry on top of my pancake "It was good as good as your cooking mom" we both laughed "Aishh, your jokes are corny as always honey" pouted "But mom, those are not jokes its real!!" I smiled and took my fork to have a bite of my pancake

"Mhmmmm" I was into the pancake, mom cooks best and I adore her so much, mom just stares at me eating and laugh at how fast I eat "Don't rush, you might choke do you have somewhere to go to?" I nodded "Where?" She asked "Im going to my friends house, mom" she nodded and looked through her phone "Would you like me to drive you to Yammy's house?" I smiled, how can a mother knows  everything!? "Are you sure mom? Don't you have any errands to do this Saturday?" She shook her head "I might as well go to shopping since I have to buy your cousin's gift and also tell me if you want to buy Bre and Yammy a gift for christmas"  she smiled widely and I can't thank mom enough so I just hugged her tightly

"Really mom? That would be great!" I said excited she just hugged me back and went to her room to get her keys so I rushed back to my room and got changed quickly

it was just a simple pink floral dress, I wore my white converse and my sling bag, that has a shape of heart, I brushed my hair and put powder on my face

I looked for my glasses so that I can gently clean it, I sprayed myself with perfume so I texted my friends that I'm coming over

thesmolkids Group chat

I grinned at the name of our gc, we named it because the three of us just ridiculously have the same height and we look like 8 or 9 years old

I met these two at a playground where I used to go and play in the sand, in my days I was all lonely and I had no friends but then these two Angels came and sat beside me they asked me if they can join me

And me being clueless on how to start a conversation so I just nodded at them

I was very shy than the shy itself, probably worst cause I grew up being locked in my room, mom and dad doesn't really mind if I go out and play as long as I have permission to go out, but I chose to stay at my room watching tv and study, sometimes I play piano, I learned a lot in my small room what if more I go out and discover the mysteries?

So I thought about it, maybe it was a good idea to go out for awhile since Mom doesn't want me to stay at my room and not enjoy the nature, she doesn't want me to be anti social or have anxiety at that age, she doesn't want me to be unhealthy at all

Well I don't see the point where I'm being unhealthy when all I just do in my room was read books, play instruments, watch tv and do some meditation which I can calm myself but I was just TOTALLY 6 at that time and I acted like as if I'm an adult

Mom always been worried about me and that I might have a cold attitude towards everyone but that's not true, I've been watching a lot of videos and movies on how I can exactly make friends, I even go out just to buy a guide book on how to make friends as much as possible

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