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The house became eerily quiet after John picked up Stephen. It was heavy to see Stephen leave, but I know that it's better for him to be with John and Nicole at the moment. Eventhough he told me that he's ready to continue our mission while I walked him to the door. But we both know that he hasn't well-recovered. He's easily drained. I don't want to imagine how he'd look like when he's half-dead after using his magic.

     I was sitting at my desk, jotting down the plans and doing my homework back and forth while listening to music that wasn't too loud when I heard a knock. It was my bestfriend Marie. Upon seeing her at the door, I quickly turned back around to my homework, holding myself from rolling my eyes at her. I don't know why I felt like she's acting weird today. I feel like it's bad.

     I took off my earbuds and turned to my best friend.

     'Hey,' she greeted me softly that I wanted to slep her at the face. 'How are you?'

     'Fine?' I answered, my voiced muffled with the book under my nose. 'Where's Shuri?'

     'The lab,' Marie answered as soon as I finished my sentence. 'Told her that she could sleep at the sofa. You're okay with it?'

     Actually, no, I wanted to say, but it's too risky to argue with my bestfriend in the middle of the night. My parents are at the end of the hallway. They'd hear us although they wouldn't know what we're arguing about. The thing is, she made the decision before asking me. This is my house, and I rule not her. But again, even if I said so, that wouldn't change anything. If I said no, will Shuri got kicked out of the house? No, she won't. I'd rather let her sleep in my lab than let her wander around New York with no communication device. We haven't finished with our missions yet.

     'Does your mother know you're here? Are you staying here tonight?' I asked my best friend. I turned around and watched her took a seat at the end of my bed.

     Marie shook her head with a bitter smile. 'I'm going home.' Why everybody suddenly wants to go home? 'But I need to tell you something.'

     'What is it?' I cocked my eyebrow.

     'I've been discussing with Shuri,' she said, ever so slowly that made me on edge, 'to bring Mr Parker to the Facilities. We figured that he must missed that place so much so we want to bring him there. Plus, he could help us finding ways in the building.'

     'Where did that idea come from?' I asked Marie furiously.

     Maried pulled her face. 'Why are you mad at me?'

     'Why must you make the decision without asking me first?' I accused my best friend. 'I'm the owner of the building. I live in this house. Why did you decide where will Shuri sleep? And that you want to bring Mr Parker to the Facilities? Why didn't you ask me first?'

     'Bethany, I am asking you,' Marie said. Her voice calm although a little rough. 'I'm sorry if I make Shuri sleep in your lab without asking you, but we don't have a choice. And now I'm asking if you want to bring Mr Parker to the Facilities because we thought Mr Parker must miss that place. I'm sorry I didn't know you're the owner of the New Avengers Facilities.'

     'Yeah, well.' I scoffed. 'You should know by now that I'm the owner. It might not be official, but hey, to whom should I announce to? Not like I'm famous or something. Not like my father knows about it.'

     Marie sighed. 'Look, Bethany, I'm not here to argue with you. I just want to ask, that's all.'

     That hits me. It took me a while to calm down and think through. 'Yeah, I thought of it,' I answered calmer but still edgy. 'But can't you wait until I say it first? Oh, and why were you in my lab? What did you do in my lab? What were you doing with my paperwork? What did you do with Brandon?'

AVENGERS: AFTER FOUR DECADESWhere stories live. Discover now