Chapter 1- I don't want to die

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"You don't have to die Chloe "Pierce said raising his gun and aiming it at lucifer " just step away from him". I stood there standing my ground there was no way I was going to let him shoot at lucifer.

Lucifer spoke up his voice calm but I could see the anger boiling behind his eyes."Detective for once I agree with this imbecile" He chuckled under his breath.Glancing slowly at me "Step aside"

"No" I replied stepping in front of my partner.

"Detective!"lucifer said his voice shaking .And although he tried to hide it fear was evident in his tone.

Pierce said my name his gun still now pointed at me.

Couldn't believe it how had we gotten ourselves in this mess.With unshed tears brimming in my eyes I spoke  "I  believed everything you said Marcus, that you loved me " I continued my breathing heavy "that you did all this for me. Which is why I know that you won't shoot"

He lowered his gun slightly and then said "You made me realise  that life is worth living."I nodded slowly "And I will do anything to stay alive"

I watched as his weary glance turned into an icy glare. Then he continued "And if you get in the way of that" His voice was menacing and cold . I knew instantly   that he would shoot without a second thought.

"Okay" I breathed ,my heart beating wildly in my chest. I brought my hands up into a surrender position ."I believe you"

My heart rate began to quicken.My hands trembled with fear. I can't die Trixie would be left without a mum. What would lucifer do ? Would he blame himself? I'm happy I love my family and friends. I love my life .

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die 

"I don't want to die " I said.

"And I can't. Not without stopping you " In one swift movement I drew my gun from its holster and shot at pierce .Anger and fear raging inside me.



Suddenly a harsh blow knocked me backwards.

"Detective!" Lucifers shout echoed around my head

Strong arms caught me in an embrace. Lucifer was repeating no over and over again.

"This can't be happening "

Everything was going black all I could hear was horrendous shouts of pain from lucifer and gun shots all around.

Please don't kill him ,

Please don't kill lucifer .

Don't kill him...

A/n Hiya! What do you think ? This is my first ever wattpad story so I'm sorry if it's rubbish! I will try to keep as close to the tv program as possible but obviously it will still be it's own story.Was it too long or too short ? please leave a comments about how it could improve and I'm open to story ideas. Also I will  try to update as much as I can.

byeeeeeeee nev

TO HELL AND BACK -a deckerstar fanficWhere stories live. Discover now