The eyes!

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They were in the dormitory living room. Beast boy and Jericho fell over when they appeared, gasping for air. Raven helped them up, then continued to pace around the room mumbling. "Ok, next time warn us when your teleaporting!" Beast boy catch his breath. "Why can't you breath?!" he asked. Rachel kept panicking, "We were in space for a few nano seconds!" she answered quickly, Rachel grabbed Jericho's shoulders, "Look me in the eyes again!" he closed his eyes and shook his head, "Please! Look for a different memory quick or he'll find me! Please!" she begged. Jericho sighed and looked into her purple eyes. The white in his eyes faded to black, leaving a green ring in the middle of each of his eyes! "Woah!" Garfield had a look, he looked at Raven, she had tear's streaming down her face. Garfield grabbed her and broke their contact, "Raven?" she wasn't blinking, she just stood their frozen. "Raven!" he shook her, her jaw dropped to say something, "I... did say different... but did it have to be that one?" he turned to Jericho, furious. "WHAT DID YOU SHOW HER!" He yelled, Jericho winced slightly, "I panicked it was the first one I found..." Beast boy grabbed his collar, "What was it!" he looked Jericho in the eyes, they changed again but he couldn't move. Jericho jolted back, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" Garfield just stood there, "Mama... Papa..." he broke down in tears. Rachel came back to reality and helped him on to the sofa. She put her hand on his fore head and replaced his memory with a good one. He turned to her and smiled, "Why couldn't you do that to your self?" he sniveled, "I can't brain wash myself dumby!" he laughed slightly. Jericho just sat on the floor with crossed legs covering his eyes.  

Rachel used her powers to lift him on to the sofa and uncover his eyes, but he closed his eyes instead "It's fine Jericho, I changed the memory you gave him!" he raised an eye brow, "How?" Raven put her hand to his fore head, she gave him a good memory of when his mother first gave him his guitar! "Do we have the same power then?" she shook her head, "I have more than one power, mind control just happens to be one of them!" he nodded and opened his eyes. "Sorry! You two had awful childhoods!" he stated. Beast boy huffed, "You think we don't already know that!"

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