Chapter Thirteen

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Ordin gritted his teeth as he hauled himself down the stairs. He relied on a cane, and he mumbled to himself as he went further and further down the long staircase. He stops at a seemingly dead end, before opening a hidden door and entering a dark hidden chamber.

There was no light, save for a dim candle, and his eyes struggled to adjust for a moment. As the room became visible to him, he frowned.

"Brats," He shouts, causing several small figures to jump, "Where's the new one?"

He glances at the group of huddled children, each clinging to each other for support. They were all dressed in rags, most huddled in the center of the room, trying to stay as far away from the cold walls as possible. A few of them seemed to be sleeping on piles of hay in the outskirts of the room.

All but one. Her dark blue eyes glared at the man resentfully, her black wings curled around herself protectively. In the dim orange light her umber skin seemed to glow, yet another red light emanated from her neck, where she was collared. She was sitting in a corner of the room, bacm pressed into the walls.

Ordin let out a mocking laugh. "I knew you could [Transform] with the collar on." He approaches slowly, the children in front of him parting so he could pass. "So where's the new girl? I know you know, the other ones worship you."

She glares at him, refusing to open her mouth.

"Is that how it's gonna be? Because I remember how you acted last time I activated the collar."

Fear enters the young girl's eyes, her wings curling tighter around her body. She stares the older man down for a few moments, before he hears a sniffle come from inside her wings.

"Move them," he orders.

She doesn't move.

He raises his cane, striking her wing with a hard smack. She whimpers, and something under them stirrs. A bright light envelopes her and suddenly, her black wings are gone. Her ears are pointed, signifying those of an elf. And in her lap lays a sleeping Yora.

The rope burn on her wrists is evident, and bruises cover her visible arms. Her light brown hair looked to be the color of mud. She curled in on herself as her makeshift blanket was now gone.

Ordin picks Yora up by her hair, causing her to wake up and scream in pain. The young elf moves to stop him, but the look Ordin gives her stops her cold in her track.

"You've been more trouble than you're worth." He says, he grabs her wrist and pulls her up.

"You and your brother cost me a fortune, and I don't even get to keep one of you."

"Y-you're selling them already?!" She asks incredulously. Ordin turns his attention back to her.

"Go back to giving me the silent treatment Liv," he spits at the young elft, finally given a name.

Yora glances at Liv helplessly, terrified.

"Follow me," Ordin growles, and Yora obeys hesitantly.

Liv could only stare, shackled by fear, as Yora walked into the darkness.


Once upon a time Liv's name was Olivia and she had a best friend who she might have been in love with and two years until she went to college. Once upon a time Oliva had a dead best friend and one year left of high school. Once upon a time Olivia lived on Earth.

And then she got hit by a truck, and sent into a body that wasn't hers, in a world that coveted her kind more than any other.

Of course she wouldn't know this when she woke up, alone in the body if an eight year old who was just looking for her best friend, where was she. Katie couldn't have died there. She wouldn't- Olivia would learn that no one was left to help a little elf in the middle of the road.

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