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Okay yesterday was eventful. My dad ended up picking me up and i went to go see my sister.She is sooo cute (the pic is her) and i finally got to hold her and everything.

I grew up with my dog lexi for 6years but on thursday afternoon we found her dead. She will always be remember and I still cry when she is mentioned. But what hurts me is that my sidter and lexi would never get to meet.

After meeting my baby sister my sister (i'm gonna call her sarah) went to my friends birthday party. And ended up wait an hour and a half for her to show up. My sister and I ended up going to play games because we were bored waiting. So we played games and spent all our money on this one game trying to get this 2,500 dollar game card. It sucked.

Finally my friend got there and we ate a little then cut the cake. But it was a hard time for her because of her parents. She ended up running to the bathroom where i follwed to comfort her.

Finally my mom picked my sister and I up and we dropped her off. After dropping her off we went and got me whataburger because i wasn't feeling good. I got home and my phone was dead but my ipad was not .

That was my day not that anyone cares
Signed Marie

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