|1| real life

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set of bohemian rhapsody

Valerie smiles at the man who holds the door open for her and says a quick "Thank you", before rushing inside and down the hallway, trying to remember where to go.

She readjusts the bags of Chinese food and blows a piece of hair out of her face. Her black heels click against the floor as she looks around for her blonde best friend.

"Valerie, there you are!" A male voice yells out, causing the brunette girl to spin around. The blonde boy she's known since high school walks towards her with a wide smile. "I thought you got lost."

"Well yeah, clearly I did." Valerie says with a sigh as she hands one of the bags over to her friend. "Ben, you didn't give me very clear directions."

Ben waves her off as he leads the way to the joint dressing room. "You could've asked someone."

"You know I hate talking to people." Valerie mumbles as she speed walks to keep up with Ben's fast pace. "Slow down, I'm wearing heels!" She groans as they turn the corner.

"Relax we're almost there." Ben rolls his eyes as he comes to a stop in front of the door. He turns around to face Valerie with a serious face, to which she raises an eyebrow. "Just let me warn you, they can be a bit wild."

Valerie laughs and rolls her eyes. "I can handle it Ben, just open the door."

With a sigh Ben nods his head and pulls open the door. The three boys inside stop jumping around to Killer Queen by Queen, and stare at the pair standing by the door. After a few seconds of staring, one of them turns off the music.

"Boys, this is Valerie, my best friend." Ben smiles proudly as he throws his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh well I don't know about best friend..." Valerie trails off in a teasing tone before quickly adding, "I'm joking!"

"I'm Gwilym and I play Brian." A man with curly brown hair says as he walks up to her, and holds out his hands to take the bag of food from her.

"It's nice to meet you." Valerie smiles gratefully as she passes him the bag of food. She shakes his hand and then repeats the process with Joe. Her eyes then land on the man dressed as Freddie Mercury, and her lips lift into a smile.

"Holy hell." 'Freddie' mumbles as he walks up to her, taking in every piece of her beauty. "Uh, welcome to the set darling." He says hastily, clearly still in character.

Valerie bites back her smile and sighs disappointedly. "That wasn't convincing enough. Freddie would never be nervous." She pouts as she folds her arms over her chest.

His eyes light up and a small smile graces his lips. "I'm Rami." He says shyly, holding out his hand for her to shake.

"Valerie. But you can call me Val." The brunette smiles as she shakes his hand.

KILLER QUEEN ➻ RAMI MALEKWhere stories live. Discover now