|41| real life

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"Rami Said Malek, are you fucking my best friend?!" Ben shouts angrily as he storms into Rami's hotel room. Him and Valerie look up from his laptop with wide eyes. "Well?" Ben asks impatiently as he closes the door behind him. "Somebody better tell me the truth."

"Ben calm down-"

"No I'm not going to calm down. What the hell is going on? I deserve to know! I'm your best friend for crying out loud." Ben exclaims, cutting off Valerie's sentence. She sits up properly with a sigh as she runs her hand through her hair.

"Yes Ben, we're dating." Rami answers truthfully after a few seconds of silence.

"Why didn't you just tell me? I had to find out from twitter!" Ben sighs as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his shorts. "I'm just so confused, what happened to Cody?"

"Adelaide happened." Valerie says with a roll of her eyes. "I'm pretty sure they're dating now."

Ben raises an eyebrow. "She stole your boyfriend?"

"Well when you put it like that..."

"I just-" Ben stops talking to sigh loudly. "Listen Rami, she's like my sister. If you hurt her I swear to god I will end you."

Rami looks over at Valerie, who's already watching him, and places his hand on her thigh. "I won't hurt her I swear." He says as he turns his attention back to Ben.

"Val why don't you go talk to Adelaide." Ben nods his head towards the hotel room's door. "I gotta talk to Rami."

Valerie suspiciously glances between the two men before groaning loudly and hopping off the bed. "Fine I'll go talk to her. But if she gets hurt it's not my fault."

"No violence." Ben and Rami exclaim at the same time as she walks out the door. She smiles and rolls her eyes before walking down the hallway to Adelaide's room. What is she even supposed to say to Adelaide?

Before she knows it, she's knocking on the door and nervously chewing on her bottom lip. Adelaide pulls open the door and her happy expression dramatically falters.

"Oh hey Valerie." Adelaide says sheepishly as she steps to the side so Valerie can walk in. Valerie hesitates before stepping inside.

"Hey. Ben said I should come talk to you." Valerie mumbles as she folds her arms across her chest.

Adelaide scoffs and closes the door. "So you don't even want to talk to me?"

"What do you want me to say Adelaide? You haven't talked to me either and last time I checked, friendship is a two way street!" Valerie exclaims angrily before rolling her eyes.

Adelaide exhales a deep breath and says, "I thought you were mad at me."

"Of course I'm mad Adelaide! Did you really think that you could steal my boyfriend and I wouldn't be upset about that?!"

"You didn't even like him!"

"Maybe I did!"

"No you didn't. You just liked the idea of him. You liked using someone as a distraction." Adelaide shouts, pausing for a second to inhale a deep breath. "You're no better than I am, you stole Rami from Lucy."

Valerie laughs humourlessly as she shakes her head. "They were never dating. It was just for publicity." She scoffs, stepping towards Adelaide. "I can't believe you're supposed to be my best friend."

Adelaide clenches her jaw but doesn't say anything. After a few moments of simply glaring at each other, Valerie rolls her eyes and walks out of the hotel room.

KILLER QUEEN ➻ RAMI MALEKOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz