Part 8

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Larrys wedding, in such a beautiful day, Louis and Harry were extremely stressed out. They had to tackle with 2 things. first, their biggest day in their lives (their wedding) and second, ZIAM.

Niall was checking on guests to see if anyone wants sth special.

Harry & Louis set down after meeting & thanking guests for coming.

"That's Funny" said Harry

"What?" Louis answered

"That Niall is doing his job without messing up." Said Harry

Louis:" there are 2 things that I cannot believe. First, finally all of this happened and second, that lazy ass is doing sth. we don't have to do anything for him, he is doing sth for us."

Harry: "there should be more pictures of him bc I think I'll miss watching him working ."

Louis: "got it. You prefer to have Niall's pictures in our wedding more than me?"

Harry: "wtf Louis I married you today and that's what you are telling me??"

Louis: "what? When I saw Niall bought that suit I knew that he will look so damn good in them. Maybe that's why you want pictures of him."

Harry: " that is not what we have to discuss about in our wedding when I commitment a life to you."

Louis: "wait... I cannot see Liam nor Zayn!!!"

Harry: "No way!"

Louis went to talk to Niall and followed him.

Louis: "Niall!! Where the hall are they??!!"

Niall: "who?"

Harry: "I was just complimenting you! And now I see you fucked up again!"

Niall: "Calm down. Who you guys are worried about???"

Louis: "nameless and Zayn!!!"

Niall: "Zayn was sitting there next to ben!! & I noticed Liam wasn't here so I thought he might have left or hiding from Zayn!!"

Harry: "look around non of them are here!!!"

Niall: "Zayn was here I'm sure!!"

Harry: "you would better find them!! They may see each other and you...what a mess it will be!!"

Niall: "ok!! you guys take care of guests, they are watching us i'll go see where are they!"

Niall looked around to find ben. He glanced at grooms and headed to ben.

Niall: "hey! Where is Zayn? I was looking for him."

Ben: "you was looking for him or those two?"

Niall: "those two have names and you should call them by their names. Especially it's their wedding & you have to show some respect. Then what is the difference? They want to see him so they send me to bring him to them."

Ben: "ok got it. Well I have no idea where he went. He just told me to wait here."

Niall: "fine. I got to go."

Ben: "when you found him tell him to come sooner bc I'll probably leave earlier."

Niall nodded.

He knew that ben is Zayn's friend BUT never like that guy even as a friend.

Niall looked around but there was no sign of them. He texted Liam 'where did you go???'

Niall went to check the garden but they weren't there! A woman with a red gown was leaning on the wall and smoking in the garden noticed Niall and the fear on his face.

"Look at you man! What made you that confused? Looked better in hall! what happened?" Said the woman.

Niall: "It's non of your business."

That woman blow a smoke in "thought I could help you handsome."

Niall:" you wanna help? So then tell me didn't you see two man one with light brown hair and the other with black hair while you were here?"

"I saw a the one with black hair left here with anger. The other one headed to men's room."

Niall was a little relaxed bc at least they didn't see each other.

Niall:" how do you even know that?"

Woman: "I was watching all the young men. Hope to leave here with one of them. So that's why I knew you looked better in the hall and where your friends were."

Niall: "Bad place for looking for a man to leave with. You might not find who you want! most of them are not single."

Woman: "that doesn't include you huh? You had nobody in the hall."

Niall: "bye miss."

Niall went to the rest room hoping that Zayn hasn't seen Liam yet...

And there he was!! Zayn was looking at himself in the mirror.

Niall: "Zayn!!"

Z: "What you handsome?"

Niall: "you made all of us worried!"

Z: "Umm..Why exactly?

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