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Silver's POV

I stared at Mommy and Daddy's body from under the bed. Mommy had said to stay here until the men were gone and to not make a sound. I closed my mouth and nodded before diving under this bed.

"Heh, maybe we should- heh, never mind let's just kill them now." One of the four men said before moving his weapon towards Mommy's neck.


Blood went everywhere.

Next was Daddy, more blood.

"Hey, where's their kid?" Another of the four asked.

"I dunno? Check this house!"

They found me under the bed.

"Well, well, well..." Another said before slashing my legs and arm.


A shot was fired and a man was looking at me, I lose consciousness.


When I awoke, my legs were metal and so was the arm I had lost.

The man that had saved me was in the chair beside the bed I was on.

Quickly looking around, trying to find the quickest way out, I had tried to sit up when I saw one but the man gently pushed me back down.

"Kid, you gotta rest." He said gently.

"W-who are you, sir?" He shook his head.

"Not 'sir', Roy, Roy Mustang. Lt. Colonel. I'm in the military." I nodded. "And, you may come and stay with me, I want to be like your older brother."

I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you!"

I clapped my hands together before remembering Kai and Lune.

"Where are my wo-dogs that were in the house with me?"

Roy pointed under the bed before looking at me.

"Under there. Hey, do you remember your name?"

"Silver! But I don't have a last name, because I don't want to have the same one as my Mommy and Daddy because what if the people that hurt them come back."

Roy nodded.

"Well, when you need it, you can use mine, if you'd like."

I smiled.

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