Chapter 2

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Kaleb and I live alone. Our mom passed away when we were born and my dad went missing about a year ago. We have no idea where he went and everyone keeps saying he abandoned us but I don't believe it. Kaleb and I are twins but I'm older by fifteen minutes and I always call him my little brother just to annoy him.

My dad loved the beach. He always told us stories about when him and my mom were in highschool and they always went on dates to the beach. Kaleb and I sort of grew up on the beach. My dad took us here everyday growing up and then everything changed two years ago. My dad became distant and started keeping secrets from us, it was very obvious to Kaleb and I. Then one day we woke up and he was gone.

"Okay, we are here," Kaleb says, pulling up the emergency brake after parking.

I climb out of the car and start walking towards the docks. My family owns a boat on this beach and Kaleb and I use it almost every time we come here.

"Kaleb, where is the key?" I ask.

"Don't worry, I have it."

Kaleb pulls the key out of his pocket and starts the engine up. He guides the boat to where it starts getting deep and we throw down the anchor so the boat won't leave while we are in the water. I take off my cover-up, exposing my bathing suit.

"Cannonball!" I yell as I jump into the nice cold water.

I come back up for air and shortly after Kaleb joins me in the nice cold water. Before I knew it I felt something brush over my leg. I start panicking and my eyes go wide, my mouth opens gasping for air as I start swimming faster towards Kaleb.

"Kaleb help!" I try to yell but it was too late.

I see Kaleb turn around and the next thing I remember is darkness.

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