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"You're drunk." Jared walked in the room after being away hanging out with his friends, yet again.

"You are right! I am in fact drunk, but does it really matter? No, it doesn't because you'll go away for a few days and everything will be allllllll right. Won't it? Anything you can do to get out of the fucking house." I slammed my whiskey glass down on my desk.

"What are you talking about?" he threw his jacket down across the couch as I took another long swig.

"Any more all it is, is 'I'm going to climb with my friends for a few days, or I'll be back in a few days' anything you can do to not be with me. I remember the days you couldn't live without me, and now I've married you like you asked, ever so nicely mind you, and you've taken me for granted and assume your money can keep me happy. I didn't marry you for your money, Jared! I married you because I love who you are." I drunkenly pointed at my head, "Not because of what you are or what you've become! I love you Jared and it seems all you can do is get away from me I can't do this anymore I'm sorry." I stood and staggered to the kitchen and grabbed my car keys. I know I am waaaaaay too drunk to be driving, but I need out of here. Now.

"Liza Stop!"

"Fuck you, Jared!" I stormed out of the house to my car before he had me wedlocked he was great; doted on me non-stop now that he's got me secured in his life he doesn't give two shits either way. I jerked at the door handle up forgetting to unlock it. I tried pushing the unlock button several times not getting a response. I growled in frustration when I realized I grabbed the wrong keys. I looked behind me to the other car in the driveway. Jared's Proche. I smiled coyly and and sauntered to his car and got behind the wheel. The engine came to life as Jared was running out of the house behind me.

He banged his fist on the window, "Eliza, stop! Get out of the car and come inside. We'll talk about this. You're way too drunk, get out of the car. Please." I waved at him as I put the car in first, and flipped him off as I drove out the driveway.

I carefully drove through the winding streets that spider webbed through the hills. It was four in the morning and Sunset was dead. I giggled to myself as I turned right on the deserted street. I drove to the next light and waited for it to turn green. When the light changed I floored it. The car lurched forward and pushed me back into the seat. I loved going fast. It takes your breath away in that split second you have no control. The faster I went to more weightless I felt. I passed through red lights and barely missed the few cars at the intersections. Every near miss made the adrenaline coursed through my body. I looked down at the speedometer, 106. I smiled and slowed down. I took the entrance ramp onto Highway 2 and headed to Venice. When I got to the board walk I stopped the car and watched the dark water.

Jared was the love of my life, is, I don't understand what happened. We've been married three years. He always made it a point to include me in things he did, and I did the same with him, but ever since the second time he played Joker something about him changed.

I gave him the time he wanted to decompress from filming. I get it, that's a very intrusive role to play. That was a year ago, and he still hasn't come back to me. He's either busy working or 'needs to take some time to himself'. He even missed our anniversary. I'm the one who forgets shit like that, and today was my birthday. Last year he took me to Nepal and we both had the times of our lives. We experienced the culture, and spent two weeks climbing in the mountains. This year, not so much as a smile.

I put the car in gear and pulled onto the pier. I'm done with this shit. I slammed on the gas and took off towards the water. As I raced closer to the end of the pier the sun was starting to peek up behind me. When I broke through the rail at the end the car flew through the air and I became weightless. Then the car hit the water like a slab of cement and the steering wheel slammed into my ribs knocking the air out of me.

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