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As the plane left the tarmac Eliza glanced back out the window one more time before LA disappeared completely. Six hours into the flight she began to have a mini panic attack. She unbuckled and slipped off the bathroom.


Eliza's pov

I sank against the counter and started sobbing. Why was I doing this? I was happy at home why would I run off and fuck this up? I can't. I need to go back. What about Jared? God, what he must be thinking right now. He probably thinks I'm having an affair, and the money I took! Shit! Shit, shit, shit! I shouldn't have done that. Fuck, I feel guilty now. Shit!

The knock on the door startled me, "Ju...just a minute. I wiped my tears away and splashed some cold water on my face before I exited the bathroom. I met Kat face to face.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"Yeah, just having second thoughts."

"It'll be fine. You're just going stir crazy." She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a tight squeeze, "Once we're in Norway you'll feel different."

I nodded and headed back to my chair.

The flight was finally over. Kat and I practically ran out of the airport. I have always wanted to to visit Norway, but never had the chance. The air was brisk. It felt wonderful compared to the hot dry air in Cali. We quickly got a rental car and entered our first destination, Setesdal valley, into the GPS.


The girls took off on the first leg of their journey. While Jared laid in a hammock on the patio staring at the inky sky.


Jared's pov

There aren't any stars anymore. I hate looking up and not be able to wonder what's out there. This black sky absorbs the enthusiasm and creativity from your bones. It's empty just like this fucking house.

I've spent the last two days laying here. I have a movie to produce and direct in a month. This kind of distraction is the last thing I need.

What the fuck is wrong with her? She picked the most inopportune time to pull this stunt. She can be so fucking selfish.

I was ripped from my thoughts by phone.

"Hello?" it was Aaron.

"Hey man, how are you?"

"As good as I can be." Everyone knew what was going on by now.

"Are you busy for the next two weeks?"

I should be preparing for the movie. "No. What's up?"

"Wanna take a climbing trip to Norway? It'll be so stellar, dude."

Why the hell not? "Sure. If Eliza wants to run off randomly why can't I?"

Eliza's pov

We reached our first campsite at the bottom of the cliff we were going to conquer in the morning. The sun was setting as I stoked the fire under the food we were cooking. Being this far away from Los Angeles was liberating. I miss Jared, but what's new, right? I know when I get back he'll have divorce papers drawn up and probably press charges for driving his car off the pier.

We ate and talked until we fell asleep under the stars.

I woke up with Kat wrapped around me. I shrugged her off and went to pee by a tree. I boiled water for coffee and enjoyed the tranquility of the surroundings. About 100 feet away deer slowly munched on grass while keeping an eye on me. In the other direction rabbits chased each other. Kat finally woke and we rigged our gear up and chose the path we were taking up the wall.

Jared's pov

The flight left me with my thoughts. My mind drifted back to the first call I received from 'Kat' Eliza had to have been with her. They must have called to see if I was home, so they could sneak in and take what they needed. I'm so fucking stupid.

I can't believe I pushed her this far. I hope to God she doesn't get anymore reckless. I'm still trying to figure out why she never tried to talk to me. Maybe she did and never realized. I'm such a dick!

Nine hours in and I was losing my fucking mind! Nothing made sense anymore. I don't know if I'm the actual problem here and my vacancy pushed us apart or if she was covering up a fuck up by projecting it on me. I married her because she knew how to play my games. The same ones I played with all those stupid girls before Liza. I tried to trick her the first night I met her. I played to rockstar card to get her in bed. Well I tried anyway.

"Sorry, you've got to convince me more than that. Everyone here is an actor or 'rockstar'. Everyone here is also fake. I don't fall in with them much. Honestly I'm not even sure why I'm here." She said pushing her straw around in her drink. She looked everywhere except at me, and I've never had to convince someone to sleep with me. Her eyes flitted back across the room catching mine for a split second, "There's my friend, thanks for the drink," she said flatly. I watched her stand and walk away clenching my teeth It took everything in me not to let my ego get slapped to the ground.

Seconds later Shannon walked into their little group. I sat at the bar absentmindedly talking to my friends and watching her interact with Shannon. She laughed at everything Shannon said randomly touching his arm when she spoke to him. She made eye contact with me every time she did too. As the night dragged on she and Shannon got cozier in a booth in the back of the bar. She locked yes to me while Shannon went on about something, and the slyest smirk drifted across her face. Leaning in close to Shannon's ear whispering to make a point. She was going to take my brother home and fuck him just to spite me! When they left the booth hand in hand my fuse blew. I threw myself in front of Shannon, "I'm ready to go this place fucking blows." I glared down my nose at Eliza, with her long black hair and violet eyes, and the way her tattoos cascaded across her flawless skin. For a moment I forgot what my action plan was.

"Here you go brother," Shannon handed over the keys to his truck and smiled, "I'm going to chill with Liza here for a while. I'll catch up with you later." he slipped his arm around her shoulder and guided her out the front door.

Three hours later I heard the front door open and close quietly. I only heard one set of footsteps coming up the stairs, so I bolted out of my room to lay into Shannon, "What the fuck bro! Seriously?! Didn't you see me talking to her, and when she walks away from me you slide in and go for the fucking steal?! I hope she was as lousy of a fuck as she was a conversationalist!"

Shannon stood at the top of the stairs laughing at me, "Chill out man. We went to Waffle House. We didn't even kiss each other. Were not like that, man."

Words didn't taste good when you're forced to eat them. "What do you mean 'like that'?"

"I've known Eliza for like ten years." Shannon patted me on the head as he walked by.

"Fuck you! Don't touch me!" I shoved his hand away. My pride hurt more than anything.

"You know that chick and those two guys that we meet up with in Ventura when we go riding up to Big Sur? That's Liza and her brothers. She's like one of my best friends. I'm not going to fuck her. Good night, Jared. Oh and don't fuck with her unless you're serious. Like I said, she's one of my best friends."

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