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Albert stepped backward and brought his hands up to defend himself.  "Whoa!  What the hell are you talking about?" 

<She's talking to me Al.  Directly to me.  Brace yourself. I'll handle it.>

"Jaxalox! Where is Dongorul? I command you to answer me.!" 

<I will you crazy bitch. Stop scaring the guy. Jesus!>

Albert chuckled. For a moment he forgot that she could do that.  It was funny to him. Funnier still that Jax would curse using Jesus. "Yeah. Okay."  

<Back the fuck up lady.  You are making an awful lot of demands with no answers of your own.> 

"I know your name. I've used it. Now do as I command!" 

<I don't know where Dongorul is.  Haven't seen him in at least a hundred years. Nasty that one.  Why would I want to know where he is?>

"Don't play games with me demon. I need to know where he's been taken before they free him."

<Ooohhh.  That does sound like a problem. I don't know where he is though.> 

"He's missing. You have to know where he is.  Now tell me or I'll permanently bind you to that necklace!" 

Albert stood there, eyes wide and mouth gaping. Speechless. His brain toiled with what was happening. He questioned, did she just call him demon. Is Jax a...demon? No,he argued with himself. He is the result of a chemical imbalance inside my brain. Why would she call him something else, though? Why would he respond? What the hell? These were questions that plagued him.

Albert's legs began to shake and grow weak. He dropped to his knees. He stared up at Beverly. Albert tried to speak. His mouth formed words, but his own voice does not follow them. The demon was taking over.

Jax's voice morphed and boomed from Albert's lips. <I shall not.> He hissed at her. <I am the God Jaxolox, the finder of lost things, and the commander of legions. I do not answer to the whims and fancies of beasts with breasts. It is I who should command you.> The words thundered through Albert's head. Echoed by a choir of high pitched and scratchy voices. The words trumpeted out of Albert's mouth and resounded throughout the room around him.

"Calm yourself demon. We are in trouble here.  I mean no harm, only to stop whatever is going to happen with Dongorul. It was I who called you forth and I who released you from your prison. It is I that will put you back if you don't cooperate." Beverly's voice was full and commanding. Attempting to use the power of his name to regain control. 

 <It is you, demon hunter, who tricked me and trapped me in the body of a small child. Why should I cooperate with you?>

<If he was missing, I would know it. He's not. Go ahead and bind me to the necklace, if that is what you want. I won't be able to help you convince Al here to help you if you do.> 

Beverly, assuming that she had the demon's attention and willingness to cooperate, relaxed slightly. She sucked in a deep breath before answering. "Because the apocalypse is upon us. The statue that is the prison of Dongorul has been stolen. I need your help to find it, determine their plans for it, and to stop them."

Albert jumped to his feet. "Okay. Stop this! Apocalypse, Dongorul, Demons? This has gone far enough. Why are you treating my disability like a joke? I'm appalled that someone of your caliber and upbringing would be so callous and ridiculous."

Before Beverly could respond, Albert stomped over to the shelf where he set the large yellow envelope. He pulled out the evidence back containing the necklace and tossed it in the air toward Beverly. I've returned your necklace. Thank you for choosing Suadade Agency. Please consider using our service again should you lose anything else. Have a nice day." He tucked the envelope under his arm and stormed out.

Beverly lunged forward and caught the necklace just before it smashed into the floor. Although it looked strong and well made. It was far from indestructible and the power it contained was not to be handled lightly.

She landed flat on her belly with a smack. Her arms stretched out in front of her, barely keeping her chin from bouncing off the floor. She opened her eyes and her hands as she sat up. The necklace was safe. She exhaled a sigh of relief and despair as she watched Albert storm out of the room.

The demon had clearly not told him his story. 'What a horrible thing to do to a man.'She stopped and imagined for a moment how she might have handled learning these things the way that he is. She has taken her knowledge of otherworldly things as a given. She mentally chastises herself. She has always known of them. Coming from a family of witches and learning the ins and outs of demon hunting before she could walk.

She felt bad that she assumed that he was taught, as she was, about these kinds of things. She didn't have time to explain things to him, though. She needed his help and he was going to have to deal with the newness of it, or they would all die. She rushed out after him.

She called out to him before he reached the exit of the gallery. He stopped, but didn't turn around. He was already having a hard time fighting the anger at her treatment of him. He couldn't bear to have her do it again. "Fool me once," he told himself.

Beverly spoke gingerly. Apologizing for her behavior before. She was not aware that he was ill-advised by the voice in his head all these years. She understood it, now, and would be happy to explain it. Time was running out though and she desperately needs his help.

Albert accepted her apology but turned and walked out of the gallery anyway. 

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