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Beverly, Jax, and Albert all sat on the beach, staring out at the darkness. Listening to the waves crash on the shore. A gentle breeze blew off the waves and washed over them. Albert broke the silence among them.

"It's so strange how all this magic stuff is all tied together.  I can't believe the ritual worked. Do you really think the universal magic will hold it in place forever?"  Albert asked Beverly.

"It already is.  I recanted all of my spells when we performed the ritual, and have no ties to what is happening with Jax now.  I don't know why the ritual worked, but, Analisa is hidden and safe like Kovach asked and  here Jax sits, in the flesh. It's boggling my mind." Beverly replied.

Jax jumped to his feet all of a sudden. "Something is missing! Shit, something big is missing!" He turned to Albert. "We have to go find it."

Albert turned and looked at Jax. "Can't we just enjoy the night here on the beach Jax? What could possibly be missing that would make me want to jump up and go find it?"

"Kovach!" Jax looked Albert directly in the eye with all the seriousness he could muster.

The End

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