Part Five

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She watched him walk away from her table, she felt bad for snapping at him but she couldn't handle his constant sadness. It was tearing her down. It was rubbing off on her. It was making her feel incomplete. Like she was feeling all of his negative emotions. She pushed him out of the thoughts in her head. She cared about him, but she couldn't worry about him.

The bell for lunch to end rang and she flinched, dreading her next class. The one with her boyfriend. The boyfriend that was no longer her boyfriend even though she needed his support, needed his love, needed his acceptance of her unborn baby.

She packed her stuff. Although her thoughts never strayed from her boyfriend or her fear of him. She tried to keep her legs steady as she walked up the stairs so that she would not fall, but it was difficult with the weight of her anxiety. When they had chosen their seats next to each other at the beginning of the year, they never thought for one second about ever not loving each other. They never thought for one second that their love would go further than picking seats next to each other, at least not as far as they had gone. And now they were stuck.

He was not in class when she entered and took her seat and did not get into class until the bell had rung and the teacher had started talking. He took his seat and did not say anything to her. They kept this going until the end of class and would have gone on longer if she had not said anything. But she needed to know.

"Why do you not love me anymore? Why can you not just support this? It's your fault anyway!"

A few people turned and looked.

"This isn't my fault you filthy slut. If it's really bothering you, try abortion. But until then, stay away from me and my life," He said, almost in a whisper. He left without a single care. She was no longer his problem, no longer his girlfriend, and no longer his soulmate. They had had their fun but it was over. Replaced only by regrets.

She skipped the next few class periods. Laying in the back of her car, crying. She didn't want an abortion, she wanted a loving boyfriend who could help her. 

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