Chapter 1: The agents in AnimeLand

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???: AnimeLand! That's a stupid name for our invasion!

???: Boss! We just found some DNA from sort of peoples name hentais characters!

???: That's right! If we copy those DNA, we can invade this planet!

???: So what should we do?

???: Create them! We are going to invade this planet!

???:  I'm afraid we can't invade this planet right now!

???: Why not?

???: Well there's a some kind of guy who protect this planet! According to this planet, a protector of the universe live here! So if we put the hentai characters in this planet right now, we won't be able to invade this planet!

???: You're right! We can't risk to bring our troops in this planet while this protector of the universe is in this planet!

???: We should invade the elites agents after what they did to us!

???: Good idea! Maybe this distraction will give a good idea to invade the first planet! Prepare for a flying to the planet Earth!

Meanwhile at AnimeLand...

Marc and his gang watch the news.

Tom: Good evening! I'm Tom Tucker! A top story is a flying spaceship pass through AnimeLand and get away! We still don't know where the spaceship go! Stay tunes for more update!

Marc: What the...

Iris: See? Maybe Anna must be behind all of this!

Talia: I don't think so! That's not Anna! Can someone please rewind the news until we can see the spaceship?

Mephisto: Yes!

Talia: Stop! Look!

Auriana: A name?

Marc: Hey Peter can you read the name on the spaceship?

Peter: Yup! The name is rival nemesis!

Lois: What?

Marc: I hear of this name! Anyway! I better change this to a new post!

Peter: Of course! You'll see the stupid Nerf commercial!

Marc: What do you mean?

Peter: Don't mind those Nerf guns is dangerous in AnimeLand!

Marc: What? This one?


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Stan: How did you get this gun?

Marc: I found it on the ground!

Stan: Just give me the gun and everything is going to be okay! 

Marc: I wouldn't hurt you guys! Just the villains! 

Stan: Marc! That's serious! Give me the gun right now!


Stan: NO! This gun is very dangerous!

Francine: It's just a toy!

But when the news started again...

Tom: Good evening again! I'm Tom Tucker! There's a new update we got here! The spaceship name is rival nemesis! But here's a shocking news! A bunch of really kids try to eliminate Duke! Stay tuned for more update!

Marc: What the hell? I though I defeat him!

Stan: Well look's like we have to investigate this situation! If Duke is really back, we have to defeat him once again!

Later in the town...

Joe: Alright Duke! Leave those kids alone!

Duke: Never! Those agents must die for good!

When Marc is coming in this way...

When Marc is coming in this way

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Duke: Look who is here now!

Marc: I though you are dead!

Duke: Well i'm back to kill you!

Iris: He's even more crazy than before!

Peter: Stay behind me everyone! Marc will solve this problem!

Marc: I though you are dead!

Duke: You'll pay for that!

???: I don't think so old man!

Duke: Who said that? SHOW YOURSELF!

Nadia: Look's like I'm very fast Duke! Put your hands out right now!

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Nadia: Look's like I'm very fast Duke! Put your hands out right now!

Duke won't give up easily. He decide to ignore the agents and charge at Marc. But then...

Marc: I don't think this gun is a toy!

Marc shoot at Duke and he's melting.

Stan: What? This isn't the real Duke! What happen?

Bart: I think he was a clone!

Marc: Really?

Lisa: Yeah! He look's like Duke! But even more genocide!

Marc and the elites agentsWhere stories live. Discover now