Chapter 9 - A man of few words and many, many names.

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I prepared myself thoroughly for the meeting. Even though it was still some time away. I mentally listed everything I thought I knew about the Ring, Sauron and the Wraiths.
Sauron was one of the most powerful entities rumoured to currently dwell Middle Earth, second only to lady Galadriel. He wanted the Ring so he could rule the world and plunge it into destruction and darkness.
The Ring had a mind of its own and wanted most of all to return to Sauron. It draws its power from the wielder, which is why someone like Gandalf or Elrond shouldn't have it. If you put it on it made you invisible and alerted the Ring Wraiths, or Nazgûl to your location. The Nazgûl were 9 undead dishonoured kings of ancient times (which, in my books, is everything that happened before I was born) who once had Rings of Power themselves and now had poisoned swords and unnatural speed. Mount Doom in Mordor was the only place the Ring could be destroyed and coincidentally, that was right under the Great Eye of Sauron's... nose.
Also, the Nazgûl were already chasing us and didn't like fire.

So that's... going to be a challenge.

I heard from Elrond later that Bilbo was still here, so I went to look for him. I found him smiling to himself in the place where the company resided when we were to retake Erebor.
"Remember how angry Thorin got at having to stay here?" I chuckled. Bilbo's back was turned to me, but hearing my voice, he turned and smiled at me fondly. I walked over to stand next to him. "Very clearly, yes," he agreed. "His anger and confusion at himself too."
"How so? He never told me that," I laughed.
"Of course he wouldn't."
"Do tell," I mused. Bilbo eyed me with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Well, you know, of course, that you hid your heritage in fear of being abandoned," Bilbo began. "He wasn't very happy about that, as I'm sure you remember. He also found, still finds, I would hope, that you are quite charming. He felt conflicted when he thought you were so much younger than him. Until he learned you count your age in decades, that is," he ended with a wink.
"He didn't actually... say that, did he?" I smiled awkwardly.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence. I asked Bilbo whether he was still planning to come to Erebor, because he'd been here for a good long while and he didn't look like he would be leaving soon. He apologised when he said he wasn't. His age had caught up to him. Even with escorts he would still be too old to travel that far. I told him it was okay, and we'd be sure to visit him every once in a while.

I took a walk around the gardens with Lindir, catching up on each other’s lives. "So you got yourself knocked up at least twice, and didn't bother to come show me the results?" He was just as, if not more salty about my long absence than Elrond was.
"I am Erebor's queen and general. I have stuff to do," I defended myself.
"Is 'stuff' your husband's nickname nowadays?" Lindir teased.
I hit him in the shoulder really hard for that.
"You could have easily visited yourself!" I was trying desperately to change the subject.
"I'd have to cross the Misty Mountains. Besides, you're better equipped to defend yourself."
"I have two children!"
"By now they aren't children anymore, are they?"
"You sound like my father."
A few days later, I sent Thorin another letter.

"Dear Thorin,

Do you remember how you told me not to get in trouble? Well, I got into so much trouble that Lord Elrond is holding a council about it.
Not only me though, Bilbo's nephew and three of his friends were with me. Estel too, the kid I met when we passed through Rivendell on our quest.

Don't worry though, we're all perfectly fine. We arrived in Rivendell safely and are awaiting the council. I'd much rather come home to you, but Elrond personally invited me and I felt rude to refuse. I hear Gloin is coming along too with an entourage. It's too bad you couldn't make it, I would have liked to see you.

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