Ch.6 Hello~

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As soon as the sun rose Drift made it a mission to wake (Y/n) up. Today they'd be traveling and he wanted to be ready as early as possible.

          "Nooo Drift leave me lone!" She swatted her arm at him and pulled the covers over her head. Why was he always so persistent in waking her up at the worst times? He laughed at the way she spoke and tried shaking her shoulder again.
         "Toooo bad (Y/n) I won't 'leave you lone' you gotta get up." He was laughing the entire time, she was being so stubborn and it was actually cute. She groaned in frustration and smacked his hand away one last time before sitting up and shooting him a death glare. She had a wild case of 'morning hair' and her half-lidded eyes pointed out that she wasn't quite awake yet. Drift smiled at her although she couldn't see it, maybe he thought that she was just a little cute when waking up as well.

"I made breakfast, you like pancakes?" He teased her, but she narrowed her eyes.

"Stop trying to persuade me."

"But it's working."

"Shut up!" She rolled out of the bed, now a smile was begging to show on her face as well. He had a way of bringing her playful side out, but first things first.

She had to take care of her morning breath, and a shower was needed.

Once her morning routine was finished (Y/n) carefully walked downstairs, the aroma of Drift's cooking made her walk a bit faster. She quickly sat down across from Drift and stared down the food as if she were a predator.

Today, you will be mine.

The blonde teen eyed her, was she always this hungry? Or maybe his food was just that good. He shrugged the thought off and devoured his own plate before she stole anything off of it. (Y/n) smiled in delight, not bad, not bad at all.

"So who's this friend?" (Y/n) picked up both of their plates, washed them off, dried them and put them away. Drift placed his head on the table.

"Her name's Calamity. We've been friends for awhile now." He explained in a muffled voice.

So it's a girl huh?

She nodded and leaned against the wall, "I'm ready when you are."

"I should be saying that to you, sleepy head." Drift laughed at her and she stuck her tongue out at him.


"...Drift.. honestly..its so hot." (Y/n) trudged behind him, dragging her feet.

"I thought you were ready?" He teased.

"I didn't expect it to be this hot!" She whined and pulled her hair up. If it got any hotter she might die.

He sighed and picked her up, she squealed and wiggled around but he held her tight. Drift laughed as she gave up, he had her on his back now, her arms drapped over his shoulders as he had his hands on her thighs to hold her up.

"You really hate being picked up don't you?"

"!" She yelled at him.

"Nope, no deal." He continued to laugh, the truth was that she didn't feel like walking. It may have been more struggle to fight against him, but she wasn't used to the whole 'pick up' thing.

(Y/n) stopped fighting him and she finally took the time to relax. Drift smiled at this and he continued walking for miles until they finally reached Calamity's house. The girl was breathing gently as she slept and Drift boosted her up, causing her to squeak and grip on him.

"Fucking hell Drift! Do you always have to wake me up at the worst times?" She started to whine and of course he was laughing at her, she hit his shoulder.

I'm All Yours (Drift x Reader Fortnite)Where stories live. Discover now