Ch.8 The Talk

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The walk back was eventful for both of the girls,  they laughed, joked, and eventually a friendship was reached. It gave (Y/n) some relief that another girl was there to befriend her. Calamity was actually very open minded and not to mention absolutely hilarious. They did nothing but joke, talk about things they relate to and gossip a bit about relationships. In the midst of all their talking (Y/n) forgot all about how hot it was.

She was extremely grateful to have made a friend throughout all this.

By the time they reached the house it was getting dark. Calamity and (Y/n) walked into her house laughing and giggling, it wasnt until they noticed Drift sleeping on the couch that they got quiet.

"I can't even look at him the same." (Y/n) sighed,  she was speaking in a soft whisper. He looked so peaceful, he wasn't sleeping for weeks and now he'd finally got to close his eyes. Calamity put a hand on her shoulder.

"He ain't that bad honey, I feel like he changed since I last saw 'em." She smiled, the small chirps and soft wind blowing outside of the house was heard through the cracked windows. (Y/n) nodded in understanding, it would be best to keep her judgements under wraps until she actually talked to Drift about it, "Well it's gettin' late, if ya want I got a spare blanket and pilla'." Calamity handed her a few things to sleep with and she silently thanked her. It wasn't the most comfortable night of sleep, but she dealt with it. The night soon became a thing of the past, and the morning came to greet her in what seemed like no time.

(Y/n) woke up frustrated, grumbling, and angry. Her goddamn back was stiff as all hell and Drift didn't know how to shut the hell up. She threw a pillow at his face, he was snoring like an ignorant hog and it was only a sound of satisfaction when he snorted and sat up at the speed of light, "Quit snoring idiot, I could barely sleep." She growled at him with narrowed eyes.

He groaned and threw the pillow back at her, she fell back and gasped in disbelief, "You son of a-" This time she stood up, moved her arms back and swung the pillow straight down onto his face. Drift grabbed the pillow and yanked on it. She wouldn't let go even if it mean tearing the damn thing. He nearly kept her up all night.

He was going to perish.

"Are you trying to suffocate me?" He grumbled in a muffled voice, finally yanking the pillow from her hands. He squinted his eyes at her as she tried to grab it. He held it over his head.

"Give it back idiot."

Drift held it up higher, "Nope. Not so you can kill me with it."

"I won't!"

"You already tried it onc-"

Calamity kicked her door open and they both snapped their necks to look in her direction.

"Do y'all know how early in the mornin' it is!? Quit makin' all that ruckus!" She hit her hand on the wall, "hell y'all should be gone by now, (Y/n) I had fun with ya hun." She waved and slammed the door shut, Drift looked at (Y/n).

"She's not so friendly in the mornings."

"I can see that."

He stretched and grabbed his kitsune mask from the table, "How was your training yesterday?" He put it on and grabbed his cloak as well, everytime they went outside it seemed as if he was hiding his identity or something. If he was going outside, he'd follow the same routine.

"It was a little intense, Calamity took me out to cube fragments." (Y/n) explained, Drift nodded.

"Did you destroy a few?"

"Yeah, maybe 3 to 5 of them." She grumbled, thinking back to that brutal training was something she wanted to avoid. Still, a question lingered in her mind. Calamity told her a few things about their relationship before. It made (Y/n) wonder if he'd try to make moves on her.

"Well, I'm proud." He sighed and walked towards the door, "It'll be another long walk but lets get going now." He stepped outside and she followed, the hot sun was already scorching and roasting her poor skin.

Contrary to when she walked with Calamity it was awkwardly quiet between the two. Drift was focused on what was ahead of him, he didn't look back. The silence brought (Y/n) to believe that she shouldn't break it. If he wanted to talk, he would.


She flinched, being pulled out of her thoughts the minute she decided to be quiet. To answer, she'd hum and pick up her pace to be side by side with him, "Yeah?"

"What did you and Calamity talk about?"

(Y/n) stiffed, taking a deep breath and exhaling before she shrugged, "Nothing really."

"Oh c'mon I know you talked about something."

She pressed her lips together in a thin line, "Well since you want to know so badly, what happened between you and Calamity?"

Drift paused, "What?"

She narrowed her eyes, "Don't play dumb, go ahead and tell me." He sighed and looked up to the sky.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

(Y/n) stopped walking, did he really just lie? If there was one thing that made her blood boil it was someone who'd lie right to her face, "Why are you lying to me?" She glared at him, that damn kitsune mask was making it hard, but she still did so anyway. Drift didn't say much for a long time, he stood still as well until he started walking.

"She told you then."

"No shit." At first she was going to be patient with him, but the lie was her last straw. He really went as far as to lie to her about this? Drift sighed heavily in exasperation.

"..About a month ago is when I first met Calamity. We were good friends and I guess one day.." He trailed off.

"I could've figured that out myself, I mean why did you break it off with her."

"I'm not the same guy I was." He responded simply, (Y/n) found that hard to believe.

She didn't bother to respond to him after that. The rest of the walk was silent and full of tension.


Once they made it back the sun had finished rising, it was about the afternoon and (Y/n) rushed up to her room.

"Wait!" Drift called after her, he nearly made it but she shut the door in his face.

"(Y/n), come on open the door." He pleaded, it made him confused as to why knowing his past with Calamity bothered her so much. He had to know, now.

She crossed her arms and laid in her bed, first the lie, then the fact that he took her under his care. It almost made her frustrated, would he try the same thing with her? How could she know that Drift was a guy she could trust?


She groaned and opened the door, meeting eyes with him as he held his mask to his side, "what is it?" Drift looked at her with concern before he spoke.

"Why does my past with Calamity matter so much to you?" He looked away for a minute, "I'm sorry I lied, but the reason I had.. well.. I didn't want you to look at me differently. Or think that-"

"You'd try something like that with me?" She finished his sentence, he nodded, now looking back at her with those golden eyes.


"Well now that I know you'd lie to me. That doesn't make it much better Drift."

"I'm sorry."

(Y/n) inhaled and smiled slightly, "Well.. it's okay. We hardly know eachother and you're not entitled to anything anyway." He shook his head in disagreement.

"I want to be." Drift sighed, "I know we got off to a bad start but I don't want to be a stranger to you."

(Y/n) bit her lip, was it wrong to let him in?


Okaaaayyy so with my block, it's getting tons better. This chapter is.. kinda a lead up to future chapterss...

SOOOO should you let him in?


Is Drift trying to be friends with benefits with you..? Just like he was with Calamity.


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