Chapter 1: Daily Routine

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I am walking through a crowd of people confused. I don't know where I am going, how long it will take me or if I even care to know. I just want to be free of all my burdens. I just want to feel again. I take out a semi automatic and place it to my head. The people around me scream; running for their lives. I drop to my knees and pull the trigger.


I jump up, panting in a cold sweat. I'm back in my bed. It was all a dream....a hell of a dream. I run my fingers through my damped spiky hair.

"It was just a dream," I whisper to myself. "A dream," I repeat constantly until I fall back to sleep.

"Charlie...Charlie...Charlie...wake up," a distant voice calls. I slowly sit up and open my eyes. It was my mother at the doorway.

"Good morning mother," I rub my eyes.

"Good morning Charlie," she smiles. She walks to my bedside and gently places a kiss on my cheek. "It's time for your bath," she points to her watch leaving my room. I give myself time to fully wake up and I head into the bathroom. My mother is sitting on the tub with a towel in her hand and my bath water running.

"What time is," I ask.

"It's 8:30. That's enough time for you to take a bath and eat breakfast before you go to work," she insist. I nod. I begin to remove my shirt and then my shorts. I look at my mother and she turns her head away from me. So I pull down my boxers. That's when she turns her head my way. My first instinct was to cover my genitals.

"Mom, you were suppose to look away," I yell feeling my cheeks turn red.

"Oh, calm down. I'm you're mother, I've seen your junk plenty of times. I relax a bit but still continue to cover myself. I step into the tub and feel the hot water hug my skin. I slide into the tub completely leaning my head back. I rest my arms on the sides and close my eyes. My mother starts to wash my chest and my arms.

"I wonder what dad is doing," I admit.

"He's probably enjoy the company of his bimbo or has a new family..somewhere," she quietly replies. She moves her hands to my hair. I lean into her hands further as I begin to fall a sleep. The motion stops immediately.

"Hmmm," I raise my eye brow.

"You have to wash your...self," she motions downward. I take the bar of soap from her and clean myself well. I hand the bar back to her and she places it in the soap dish. I run water in my hair to get the suds out. I can tell that mentioning my father has made my mother sad.

"I'm sorry for even mentioning him. I wasn't think," I apologize. She looks at me and smiles.

"Its okay, I just have to accept the fact your father rather chase young girls than to take care of his family" she laughs. "I love you Charlie," she adds.

"I love you too ma," I smile. I can feel myself pruning so I stood up. She wrapped the towel around my waste as I stepped out. I dried my lower half as mother plucked my facial hair.

"I really have to give you money to get your hair cut," she tugs at my hair.

"Sure ma," I shake my head.

"I know you love your hair but, you have to look presentable," she kisses my cheek. "Come on I made you a big breakfast. Get dress and meet me down stairs," she walks out the bathroom.

I finish getting ready and sit at the kitchen table wearing my Burger King uniform. Mother places orange juice and a plate in front of me and I dig in. My mother finally sits down after spending 15 minutes cleaning the dishes.

"Sorry mom I have to go but thank you for the meal," I get up from the table.

"Have a good day at work honey and don't forget to pick up milk on your way home," she waves as I leave.

"See you later ma," I call to her out the door as I'm off for work. I hate my job, it's so degrading and embarrassing. Kids I know walk into this Burger King all the time and all I do is duck behind the grill.

"Come on McCall, you got to hustle," my boss yells in my ear.

"Sir I'm moving as fast as I can," I reply back. He just stares me down before finally walking off. Ughhh why can't that prick take a hike. I grab the garbage and head outside. I slam the trash into the garbage can and kick the can as hard as I could. "Ahhh son of a bitch," I yell to myself grabbing my foot.

"Awwww looks like Charlie's finally pissed off," a voice calls from behind me. The man finally walked around the corner revealing that it was my friend Mike.

"Haha, real funny. I'm just so tired of that prick yelling at me for no reason," I laugh.

"Then why don't you quit," he points to my uniform.

"You know I can't quit. I have to take care of my mother," I soften my tone.

"Dude you guys relationship is so unhealthy," he lights a cigarette.

"Yeah, whatever. She's my mother and I'm all she has left," I defend myself. He raises his hands as if he gives up.

"Hey let me know when you're done with that job of yours and want to get a real job," Mike mocks.

"Yea let me know when you wanna stay out of jail," I yell. He just shakes his head and I walk away, back into that shithole of a job. Ughhh, someday....someday I'll get the balls to quit, but not today.


YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY First Chapter down you guys! Like/vote, tell me what you think in the comments. I'm really excited about this book...I hope you guys enjoyed reading it because I enjoyed making it. I would looooooove to think my girl Robin @TheMisnomer for making this freakikng awesome cover like I'm still amazed. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ROBS :* THANKS FOR ALL THE LOVE AN D SUPPORT STAY AWESOME KIDS...PEACE <3 <3 :)

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