Chapter 4: Fed Up/Loyal?

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It's been about a week since I met Minix and I just want to always be around her all the time.

"Charlie, I got your textbook," she smiles.

"Thanks," I take it from her.

"I'm gonna miss you when I'm gone," she sings beating on her chest as if she's doing the cup song.

"You'll only gonna be gone for two weeks," I push her.

"Yeah that's a long time," she protest.

'Try not seeing someone since you were five. Now that's a long time," I pick at my nails.We walk towards my car when my phone starts to ring. I swiftly get it out and answer it. 

" Charlie bring your sorry ass of an excuse of an employee to work right now," my boss yells through the phone causing me to jump.

"Y-Yes sir," I hang up the phone.

"Is everything alright, he seems pretty angry," Minix giggles. I smile back.

"He's always angry. I'd be worried if he was happy," I laugh. She hugs me and my arms are still at my side. 

"You take care of yourself Charlie," she whispers before kissing my check. My eyes widen and slowly back up towards my car. 

"Um, yea... uh you too.... ughh Minix," I stutter getting into my car. She laughs and skips towards the bus stop. I pull off into the opposite direction. I can't believe she kissed my cheek. Why would she do that? I was so indulged in my thoughts that before I knew it I was at my job.  I hop out of my car and enter from the back door.

'McCall, where were you," he yells causing some of the customers to look our way. 

"I was at school, you know that place you could have gone but now you're stuck running a fast food restaurant," I laugh.

"What did you say to me you piece of shit," he grabs me and pins me up against the counter.

"You heard me," I snap back.

"You think you're a man? Huh, MAMA'S BOY," he emphasizes to embarrass me. I look around to see people laughing and my face starts heating up.

"You son of a bitch," I mumble through clinched teeth.

"Awww did I embarrass you in front of your peers," he laughs. 

"I'm not a mama's boy. If anything I'm a motherfucker considering what I did your mom last night," I chuckle. Everyone mouth drops and then the place is up in cheers and oohs and awws. My boss starts steaming.

"You're a smart little shit huh? Me and you, outside now," he lets go of my collar and kicks the back door open. I fix my collar and walk outside. I turn around and he punches me in the gut.

" Ah, is that all you got," I drop to my knees. He grabs me by my collar lifting me in the air.

"I don't wanna leave any bruises on you. No need for your mother worrying," he laughs throwing me back. I quickly get up and put my guard up. 

"You want me, come get me prick," I yell. He charges towards me but I side step him and cause him to run into the garbage behind me. He turns around and I tackle back in the garbage. I snap and I start punching him over and over.

"Charlie? Charlie what the hell, get off him," a voice calls to me before I'm pulled off my boss. 

"Let me at him," I yell.

"What the hell happened," Mikey looks at me with confusion. 

"That son of a bitch is always disrespecting and humiliating me in front of everyone. No one says shit. He constantly yelling at me and calling me worthless. So I'll show you worthless," I yell. I can feel my face turning red again. Then I push Mikey out the way and start swinging at my boss again causing him to bleed. 

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