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"Donna, do try and keep up." I yelled at her. 

"Oh, blimey now he asks me to speed up. Moments ago you told me to slow down." She complained. 

"Yes, but then we weren't running from Cybermen were we?" I yelled back. 

"Oi mate, watch that tone." Donna yelled at me. 

"What about me?" Jack asked from the background, jogging behind Donna. 

"You are the reason we have to run. If you weren't flirting when we could have destroyed it we wouldn't be in this mess." I shouted at Jack. 

"Not my fault. He shouldn't have been so hot." Jack replied, suddenly jogging next to me. 

"It's never your fault." Donna said from behind us. "They're always too hot or too good-looking but it's never any other reason! Remind me again why we keep him around."

"Because," Jack said turning around. "I can do this" He pulled a gun out of his pocket and shot at the Cyberman, hitting him causing it to blow up, but not before it shot at Jack. Which hit him. 

Donna and I slowed to a walk and continued to walk away from where Jack had collapsed. 

"Three, two, one." I counted down until I heard gasping for air behind me. 

"Were youse walking off on me?" Jack shouted as I heard heavy footsteps behind me.

"Yep. Wanted to leave you here. But then you have your vortex manipulator, so you'd find me somehow." I said. 

"Shut it, both of you. Let's get back to the TARDIS." Donna said, ending the conversation. 

We slowly walked in a comfortable silence in the direction where I had parked the TARDIS. The scenery was beautiful, well as beautiful as 5889 London is. The buildings finally got into the inner atmosphere and they mended the destruction they made to the ozone layer (thanks to moi). We continued walking along until we could see the TARDIS about six blocks ahead of us. The walk seemed like it would be effortless until we heard screams from behind us. I turned to see a dozen or so Cybermen marching towards us, destroying anything and everything in sight. 

"No. Doctor." Donna said. "TARDIS." She pointed at the TARDIS. I turned and looked at Donna before running to the power line and using my sonic to cause an electrical spark throughout all if the wirings in area. 

"I wasn't gonna charge in there Donna. I'm smarter than that."

Donna muttered something under her breath and stalked off towards the TARDIS. I slowly followed behind her, Jack trailing behind me. We were maybe two blocks away from the TARDIS when something came into my view, just ahead of Donna. 

"Get back!" I yelled. "It's a tear in the fabric of reality. A time fissure. Anything could happen right now." Then I heard a shout from inside the time fissure. 

"Fez incoming!" Then a fez landed two feet ahead of me. 

"For instance, a fez." I finished. 

"A fez?" Jack asked. "What kind of an idiot wears a fez?"

And as if on cue two men, one in a tweed jacket, the other in a leather one fell out of the time fissure. Along with a woman with blond hair, like Rose's. 

"Whoa!" The one in the leather jacket said, shaking his head. I squatted to pick the fez up off the ground and I placed it on my head. 

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