Old Drafts

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So before I start talking about my old character designs and ideas,I should probably tell you about which ones were scraped or remade.

These will be ones that either dony exist,stories were deleted or never finished or just ones that were previous versions of new characters that I decided to keep.

Deleted or forgotten

I decided to stick to a 50 character limit since I didn't want to confuse my followers by having too many,as such many were deleted or recycled into new characters I use in my stories.

-F-B-6 (a old comipo model)

Reused or recycled

Most of my old characters were remade into the new characters.The designs may remain similar and the names might not be changed that much or at all.


This was the original testu,his name was taken from the defult
Boy Comipo character "Tetsuhina" and I only changed the colour of his hair originally.As years past,I realized he needed a bigger role and renamed him as just "testsu".


These were originally two different characters that had different designs and storylines.

Mia-Moa was the cousin of testu (and the sister of Mae Mae) and had to act in incestuous drama to satisfy her fans and evolve her career.Mashina was a girl character who was supposed to be a untested version of "Machina" who was the love interest of "Mae Mae".

I realized that they had similar personality's and both had some link to asura and leka (the two heroine of that era) and took up too much space in my comipo files.With not much purpose other then a one-shot nobody would read, I merged them into one with mia-moa's long twin tailed design and mashina's light brown hair.

And who did this make? Well this then became "Miharu",the mistress of the moon betrayers! I honestly loved the idea of making a girl character that would be kinda shoujo but not too hard to write in a romance.

Honestly,she is probably one of the oldest characters in my design folder and one who only recently got a outfit change for the LGBT+ festival in Sekahame City.


Even though Star is tenically still known as Star,The designs changed alot since then.

Star was the original model from the half-brother of Ryan,a character who UNFORTUNATELY never actually showed up in any published works...sorry mum.Either way,I'm planning on having Ryan show up in the garden of mother! (a title that may be changed latter or kept)

His family name is Alva,but nobody actually calls him that except his brother,Alvah.I know,these names mean more then they seem like they do.


This was the original name for "Shinon" from follow the script,a comic I have not finished but plan on releasing full pages on soon.It's a happier comic compared to LAT but is very focused on explaining the school life of geminisi.I hope you enjoy regardless :)

So where did kotaru go? Well I gave his name to a recolour that I didn't scrap and even has his own story.He is now just known as "Kou" and has a completely different personality to shinon.

(P.S,he's a recolor of shinon on purpose as is his friend,who is a recolor of kaname,shinon's rival)


This was the old name of "Master".Planed on calling him this to symbolize his role as "Master" but then just decided to call him "Master" as it was easier.

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