Main characters for each era

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I can't say that there is only ONE main character because it depends on the story or series,some way be more important in their own books.

So here is a simplistic way of sorting it out,I hope so anyway.

Asura-MC of The Mummy Era and Only one end

I count her as a main character for the whole series but specifically the "Mummy" Era,including mother will come and yes mummy.

Alex/Numi-MC for SSC and Mansion of secrets

Even though she's the leader of the umi group,she's never really the main focus of any of the stories I write or any comics,the closest she would be a main character in is probably Dishonest day though asura kinda stole that too.

Geko-MC of LIMIT

Poor Geko only has one story as the main character but he does a good job at being leader anyway.Many of the stories around him,silver gets the role instead.

Silver-MC of Help me geko! And Crazy Psycho Obbsession

Silver is a really interesting character to write as since his thoughts are very sincere and focused only on geko.Drawing him obsessively clinging onto geko,even when older, is actually really fun since it shows both his sides in a diverse way.I don't care if you think he's a sapphire rip-off,silver is very different in terms of personality and actions.

Ikumi-MC of Between the lines of love and time

This is really her only showpiece where she gets to show her feelings but ikumi has always been mainly a side character.In "That Classroom",a comic all about the beginnings of the UMI Club and how they became friends,ikumi was portrayed as a careless,almost soulessly calm but not depressed girl who would only listen to audio books.

Kikumi-Love interest of Ikumi

She counts as a MC because she's a love interest of a main character right? Kikumi was a short-haired polite and happy young girl who met ikumi as she joined the UMI club.Unfortunately despite being a love interest,they never get together because by the time ikumi gets her feelings across....kikumi is dead.

Yeah spoilers! Kikumi dies because of finding out the truth behind the UMI club.The shock of what happened causes kikumi to get depressed and then run away to the umi hill to get answers.She then is killed by the "servers" that live on the hill and becomes a ghost that plans revenge on the UMI Club.

(If you want a full explanation,go to "How BTLOLAT fits into the timeline nicely" on my deviantArt!)

The second season will feature more perspective on kikumi's side,I promise it...once comipo decides to work!!!

Nica-MC of The Moonlight Era

Ahh...this is my girl.The oldest of all my character with her being the only girl character that stuck before I made the UMI series.Her comipo model never changed since then,nor did her name or personality.Her creation surpasses even testu (the first boy character) and the name of this series's creations.Before UMI was even thought up,she exsisted as a angel goddess like Oha.Oha was the angelic spirit of birth so I was going to make Nica the angelic spirit of the moon.That idea stuck and soon was made "Moonlight girl".My first ever comic book that only had around 16 pages done and the rest unfinished.

The reason I scrapped it was that I had better ideas she could be used for then some boring supernatural shoujo comedy thing.For some reason,the idea I had for her was that she was a robot,emotionless and lived inside the moon.Only to be revealed every 30 Years to a new generation,I know it was stupid but I loved it.

This was back when what was originally UMI were robots that had special requests based on how they lived and who they met.I don't know why I thought they should be robots,maybe androids or something.

I think I listened to too much vocaloid,I mean maybe it's because my characters are all similar to the main vocaloid.Who do you think they would be? I think asura is a mix of rin,miku and GUMI.Geko is one-hundred percent Len,I think rion is gukupo,with kou similar to Oliver.Alex could be Vflower.

Wow this got really offtrack,woops...

Kou-kun-MC of Tanta Montare

Originally called "Boy=Girl",Tanta montare is a story about the lonely warmhearted boy,kou,who has a three-way relationship with a female classmate called Azuki and his male classmate,Taisuke.In all honesty,I knew people don't like polygamy so I never published it as a book as nice as it was write.

This book is very focused on both the great racist war happening and his relationships to his classmates and family.It's also the very first explanation of how gender works that I ever wrote fully so yeah,it's a good book in my opinion.

Tanta Montare is such a fancy title,I really enjoyed choosing this in the final edition.It filled me with something similar to happiness.

Taisuke-MC of Card Of Hearts

Okay so this isn't tenically a real book or comic but he IS the actor and voice actor.It's important to note that some of my stories from the "City" period were not written by me specifically.More likely the production studio "Show" where many work on movies,shorts,music,books and even drawing.It's the main job center.

Anyway,Taisuke and Ukari both act in "card of hearts" as two rivals that fall in love over a card game that had only one rule,whoever wins has to kiss the one they like.It's just a sweet little short that they published a few years ago that I may show to the public.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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