Your back story

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(Y/n) POV

My eyes open and look at the blank white ceiling I've come to know so well. My blankets fell to the floor in the middle of the night causing me to wake up shivering. It was a lot colder than normal, like someone left the door open. I could hear fighting in the next room and an unfamiliar voice yelling. Though I couldn't hear what they were saying through the thick cement walls of my home. This yelling wasn't the normal mom and dad fighting, no it was much more heavy and hectic. I creak open the door and see the kitchen light on. The words come more clear than before. Much more clear.

"What do you want from us?! Just take whatever you want just don't hurt me, please i'm begging you." My mom's voice pleads in between sobs of what sounds like crying.

I want to call out too my mom and ask what's going on but I can't, at the sound of it that wouldn't be a good idea. I wanted to know what was happening so I went towards the kitchen. The moment I step forward fate was not on my side. The wooden floorboard creaked as loud as my mom's sobs. My mom shrieks at the sound of the floorboard like she knew it was me.

I could hear the horrible laughter of the unknown intruder in my home. His footsteps heavy on the wooden floor. I knew I should run but my feet stayed planted in the same position. I was terrified. The intruder rounded the corner into the hallway and saw me. His smile was wicked. I could see the black gun in his hand.

"I see there was a little girl she didn't tell me about." He manically laughs. The man grabbed me by my hair and started dragging me into the kitchen. I couldn't help but scream and try to get away from the unknown intruder.

  I was only five years old. Both my parents were quirk-less so everyone thought I would be too. There was no hope for me and my mom. We lived in a run down country house beyond any town. No one would know anything, a perfect place to get away with a crime.

  When we got too the kitchen the intruder threw me by my hair against the wall. I couldn't help but shriek out in pain as the back of my head collided with the wall. I put my hand too the back of my head and felt something wet. I looked at my hand and saw blood. I didn't cry, I wanted too but the tears wouldn't come. It's like I froze. Just as I did when I was in the hall way.

  I looked at the man to see his face. But when I looked up I didn't see a face, I saw a half black half white smiling mask, and that masked man had the gun pointed in the middle of my mom's forehead. He turned his head to look at me. He wanted to see my face as he pulled the trigger on my mom, killing her.

  I screamed as he pulled the trigger. The sight of my mother's lifeless body surrounded by a growing pool of blood switched something in my brain. It was like my nerves were on high alert. The feeling of power.

  I started crying wanting my mom too wake up. I ran to her. I wanted it to be a horrible dream, just a nightmare that I would awake from. But in reality that wouldn't happen. I could hear gunshots going off but felt none hitting me. I look back too see a yellow bubble surrounding me. I look around and see my mom's blood disappear. Almost like it was returning too my mom's body. I hoped that it would revive her but didn't. It only cleaned the mess that the man made. The horrible man. The bullets bounced off the yellow bubble and back at the room. He looked horrified. He didn't know what to do. It seems that he was quirk-less. He tried running but before he could I put my hand out on instinct and the fridge flew in front of the doorway. I knew this was my power. But I didn't no it's extent or how I was doing it.

  After he realized what I did he turned to look at me. I could feel anger build up inside me. I stuck my hand towards him which made him fly against the wall. I didn't no how I was doing it but I knew why. My mom was dead because of him.

  I put my hand in a choking motion which then made the man choke. I heard the door burst open and a hero came through the door. Shouta Aizawa. He was my dad's friend before he died from a villain attack. He was the one who saved my mom from dieing. And now she's dead anyway.

He looked at me with sympathetic eyes. Right then it hit me. Both of my parents are dead. I dropped the man and the barrier that protected me. And curled into a ball or a crying mess. I could feel my hair fall on my shoulders as I cried. I cryed all the drive to Aizawa's house. My new home. Were he says I wont get hurt. Where I'll be safe....

That night I didn't kill the intruder but he passed out from lack of oxygen. That was the day that I decided to become a hero. To look out for helpless people like my mom and dad. Hopefully. Maybe I could learn to become the greatest hero the world has ever seen.

(A/n) Hey. This is my new book! Yay. I'm going to work on this very hard. No staying up late just to finish a chapter lmao. But I really hope you like the first chapter. Love you guys and see ya next time.

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