the horror that awoke in the night

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The unworthy love that i felt was the love that will soon save me from my demons

I cant believe im not home father must be worried sick not that i care but i barley knew the man who saved me and i didnt even know his name i barley knew his eye colour sometimes it looked blue then green.
Along the trail a man like non other was on his way to capture and take the girl for himself. He was a man of many secrets and a man who is a murder. Hes a Vampire. He feeds on the flesh and drains it from its life with no remorse of what it feels like to leave behind family. His flesh white as snow a mouth red like blood a heart dead and dark as dead and death could be. He walked softly on the ground beneth his feet barley leaving a foot print. It was cold but not as cold as him. His senses told him that the girl was close and the Alpha was near her watching over her. The vampire knew if he was to set foot on the Wolves teratory he will lose his life and loose his wrath of being evil. He was ready to take that chance if it ment he could have that girl.

"Are you going to tell me your name or are we going to play the long game here?" Claide just sat there looking at her with mo emotion on his face. "my name is Claide" he just stared at her over looking her figure she was beautiful and i wan to make her myne but shes in souch trouble i cant even tell or exsplain it she wouldnt understand it at all.
"So tell me Claide why am i here you know you can be charged with abiction of a miner. How old are you any way?" The questions rushed threw her head making her spill out every conser she had.
She has never felt so confused yet so safe in her life this man what she barley knew made her feel safe in so many ways she didnt mind the risk of leaving her father to defend for himself.
"You are here because i saved your life from a wolf, a wolf that would have killed you so inhad to make the choise to kill him before he could do anything. Your not going to be a miner for much longer i know that you are turning 18 in 2 weeks and i didnt ubduct you i mearly saved you from death a thank you would be nice you know it wont kill you. My age should not conser you my dear."

I couldnt belive what i had just heard he is such an arogant man saying that i should thank him for saving me and not telling me his age how rude he has no respect for a woman whats in his presants.
Claid stood up not wanting to answer any more questions from this woman. He went to go find wood to keep them warm for the rest of the night that will follow in a snowy storm.

I just sat there in shock that he would just uo and leave like that how rude mother did always worn me about men like him not asking to be excused from someones presants.

As the snow started to stick to the ground the lady's sent got weaker and weaker but the Vampire could smell the wolf's sent it smelled like a wet dog what was just dryed by a hair dryer. The Vampire walked faster but went softly on the ground beneath him because if the wolf heard him he will lose any chance with the girl and it would be an instant death for him.

  clade had a very unsettling feeling in his stomach that's why he just up and left. he didn't want to leave her but her protection was his first priority. clade stood outside listening to every sound what was made his hearing was hyphened to the max. he heard  something unsettling and smelled blood, someone had killed an animal in his territory and that's against the law to do so. he followed the blood sent and  had completely forgotten about Lexa and the danger she could face alone. he finally found the carcass of a tiger he was drained  of his blood and that could only mean one thing. a vampire has come into his territory. clade hasn't seen or heard from a vampire in over 20years. he was shocked at the idea that a vampire is close  by so he took the bloody carcass and buried it under a blanket of snow to stop the sent from spreading to other predators.

The Alpha who saved meWhere stories live. Discover now