Welcome To Beacon Academy!

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3rd P.O.V

It was Monday morning (Y/N) was sleeping peacefully everything was perfect then......

the alarm clock starts going off 



(Y/N) fells off his bed then gets a knock from his door 

(M/N): Honey are you ok?

(Y/N): fuck....

(Y/N) whispers


(Y/N) springs up 


(M/N): (-_-) Well then...just hurry up did you forget whats today is/ 

(Y/N): Sunday? :D

(M/N): Its Monday, it's your first day in Beacon, hello? You been on about Beacon for some time! just hurry up and get ready!

(M/N) closes the door and heads to the kitchen while (Y/n) just stands there.....then he starts freaking out 


(Y/N) then starts getting dress, brushing his teeth, and looks for his weapon all in the same time  then...stubs his toe and fell


(Y/n): FUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!

Time skip

(Y/N) P.O.V

I start going downstairs while my cat (Lucifer) jumps to my leg 

(Y/N): Hey there Lucifer, wassup!

Lucifer just purrs in respond, then jumps to the couch and sleeps then I start heading to the exit 

(Y/N): I'm heading out ! 

Then out of nowhere I get tackled by my mom 


(Y/N): Mooom.....

Time skip

I arrived to the bullhead to take me to Beacon , once I got inside a few minutes later the bullhead starts taking us to Beacon, everything seemed fine til I notice a blondie over here that didn't look to good and ran somewhere to barf...ew... I then I start seeing Beacon coming to view 


???: wow! 

I turn to my left and i see a girl next without even realizing that she was next to me 

???: OH! I'm sorry I didn't see you there the names Ruby Rose 

(Y/n): (Y..Y/N)! 

then another girl appeared beside Ruby 

???: (Y/N) huh? sounds like a cute~

Ruby: Yang!!

So the blonde girl's name is Yang huh? good oum she is h-WHAT AM  I SAYING !!!

Ruby P.O.V

(Y/N) starts spacing out then I start waving my hand to get his attention 

Ruby: Is anybody home ? 

(Y/N): AH!? WHAT!? WHERE!? oh n..nice to meet you to!!

Yang: I think know what you were looking at a second ago~

(Y/N): wha..I..I wasn't !

Then I see (Y/N) going red 

Ruby: Yang ! 

Yang: What? he can't help it , right (Y/N)?~

then yang was about to walk towards (Y/N) but then all of a sudden some guy bumps into (Y/N) and vomits all over the floor  luckily (Y/N)  walks back to avoid to get puked but unfortunately for yang.....

Ruby: Ahh gross yang you got puke on your shoe!!!!!

Yang:  EW EW EW EW EW!!

(Y/N) P.O.V

I couldn't help but laugh while watching yang waving her on leg around with a bits of barf on it which is pretty gross but funny to 

Time Skip

3rd P.O.V

 Once the bullheads lands the boy starts rushing to the trash can while (Y/N), Ruby, Yang, and the rest of the passengers exited out the bullhead then (Y/N) speed walks to the boy (AKA The Vomit Boy) Leaving yang and ruby 

(Y/N) P.O.V

(Y/N): There There man

then I patted his back twice 

???: URF!! 

(Y/N): you alright man?

then then he brings out a thumbs up signaling he is good

(5 minutes later.)

???: Thanks man 

(Y/N): No man thank you

???: what do you mean? 

(Y/N): well lets just say you saved me man , lets just call it even and leave it there. By the way the names (Y/N)!

???: Jaune Arc :D

and So me and Jaune walks around beacon confused where we should go then all of a sudden a explosion was heard... 

and that is  the Prologue I know its horrible and to me seems cliche but its my first time making a story so bare with me, if you like it please let me know and comment whats your thought, thanks for reading and stay tune readers!!

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