Welcome To Beacon!

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Me and Vomit boy rush to where the explosion located,once we made it there we already see a white hair girl marshed away from ruby angrily while a black hair girl with a black bow did the same leaving Ruby alone then jaune walk towards and giving her a hand

Y/n: Having a hard time making friends ?


Y/n: ahh don't worry it will go to a right turn soon *saying that while petting her head*

Ruby: Hay! Im not a kid

Y/n: Nor a adult , come one lets go find the place where we suppose to be

Timeskip (=.=)

Ruby, Jaune, and I made it to the auditorium where all the new students like us were suppose to gather , then I see ruby's older sister waving and calling out to her

Yang: Ruby!!! Over here I saved you a spot!

Ruby: coming ! I'll see you guys later

Jaune: w..wait oh man..

Y/n: Dude what about me o.o

No one's POV

A sound of a microphone starting was heard and a white hair man wearing a green coat with a mug on his hand with a women next to him

Ozpin: I'll make this quick and simple...

Y/n: nooooo I hate boring speeches! Zooko please skip this please

Zooko: damnit dude...2nd chapter and already 4th wall breaking....your gonna give me hell dude...

Ozpin: who are you?

Zooko: uhhhh.....can I have all your eyes here for a sec...see this little pen it has a tiny trigger if you look very closely its also a gun

Ruby screams on the background


Zooko: sure! I just stole this from two guys in black suits now then...


Ozpin: what just happen?

Glynda: your speech for the first year, professor

Ozpin: Ahh yes! As I was saying welco-


Ruby POV

Yang: This is like a big slumber party!

Ruby: pretty sure dad doesnt approve all the boys though

Yang:I know I would purr~, whats that?

Ruby: I'm writing a letter for all my friends back at Signal

Yang: Awww

Puff! Yang gets smacked by my pillow while I tell her to shut up then I remember something..

Ruby: hey wheres Y/n?

Yang: ooooo somebody is looove~

Ruby: Yaaaaaaang!!!

Yang: HAHAHAHA come on sis Im just teasing ya besides you guys just met I know you guys are not on that stage yet besides he seems pretty average , I seen cuter gu- oh my god......

I looked at yang seeing that she had her head turn and I waved my hamd in front of her face

Ruby: Hello sis ? Is anyone home?

All of a sudden yang turned my head to the direction that she was looking at and  realized that we were looking at  y/n who was shirtless WAIT WHAT!

Yang's POV

As I was still checking Y/n out he was so well build I know there's some boys out there that are shirtless but Y/n...is pretty muscular....

Ruby's POV


Ruby: Yang..stop making cat noises...

Yang: h..huh? That wasnt me?

Ruby: huh? 0_0

No one's POV

A certain person was covering her Red colored face with her book while still time to time peek out from her a little bit to see the well built body Boy


For some reasom I feel like.....I am being watched ....

Y/n: GODAMNIT Cody stop checking me out , I'm not i to dudes!!!

Cody: You know you love it!

Y/n: Fuck you

Cody: You like that won't you~

Y/n: shut the fuck up!!!!!

Weiss: would you be quite!

Y/n: get yo stupid fucking sugar free Vanilla flavor Weiss Cream ass out of he-

Technical difficulties

Weiss: would you be quite

Y/n: *sigh* Sorry

Weiss smiles wildly (um creepy much?)

Weiss: Good ,thank you , You know I should make you my Lapdog

Y/n: No

Weiss: wha!?

As she was gonna something ruby was rough housing with her sister making alot of noises which annoyed her and made her march there

Y/n: Jeez....what a strange girl

So I went to my spot to sleep next to the same black hair girl with a black bow on her head reasing her book , whats wierd was when I lay down I could've sworn I hear purring? Theres a cat here ? Strange....

???: a..aren't you cold being shirtless without a blanket?

Y/n: uh well no I been worse, hurry up and finish your chapter or something and turn off that candle

???: 3 more chapters thrn I'll go to bed

Y/n: whatever....hey whats your name ?

Blake: Blake

Y/n: Alright then goodnight Blake

Blake blushes

Blake: Night , sleep well~

Woooooooo that was a bit long for me hope you enjoy , Till next time Adios~

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