ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ

44 2 0

Troye had just finished polishing his bowling ball, when the idea struck him. He should open a pie shop! He placed his bowling ball carefully on the shelf for bowling balls, and started searching online for open buildings. 

Two hours had passed of him just looking for open buildings, when he finally found one. When he saw this, his eyes lit up and he started jumping up and down. He called the number on the listing thing, and asked him if he could open a pie shop. The man renting out the building said sure, and that he would meet him at in in one hour. Troye was very excited, and so he ate some ice cream. 

He was on his way to his about-to-be pie shop, and he was skipping like a little girl. He pulled out all of his cash money, that he would shove in the building owner's face so that he could rent it out for all of eternity. 

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